Nov 07, 2009 07:03
I'll just get the first thing out of the way: SNOOOOWW OMG SQUEEEEEE! ♥♥♥ It's been snowing for about a day now and the scenery went from dark and well, sort of dull into this beautiful white all over *_* It's also pretty much night time here, so it just adds to the whole thing. This is my absolute favorite weather, although I'm sure this snow will still melt away completely.
Some other things that have happened after... erm, April. *cough* I really don't write here much even though I'm on Livejournal a lot.
I've gotten into J-dorama. Lord have mercy. I blame Takashi Tsukamoto and his dimples.
There's a second cat in the house. I haven't told it before that we had one to begin with, but anyhow. The first cat's name is Miu, [I feel like I need to point out that I didn't name either of these kitties, while I was the one who maintained they kept their names. Both of these cats have had previous owners of at least 2-ish years.] he's a black and white tomcat. Bit of a fatso, but it's our own fault for feeding him too much chicken cold cuts. Recently he's gotten skinnier. Which brings me to our little girl, the completely black Luna. We got her at the beginning of summer. She's a lively little thing, will sit in your lap and also drive you to insanity.
Introducing these two to each other was a little tricky. Miu came home inside and saw Luna, went up to her and started sniffing her face. After some seconds she swatted at him and they've pretty much been in a love-hate relationship ever since. Usually it's Luna who attacks Miu. So Miu comes in from outside, Luna jumps onto his neck and starts biting, fighting ensues. Crazy. In her defense, nowadays she sometimes also starts licking him, and he her - and it's adorable to watch. Granted that they'll always start fighting and chasing each other after awhile.
...And that's it for now. Hope you're all having a nice day :)
[ETA] Finally changed my layout. I'm liking the white background, green subject line schtick ridiculously much.
happy thoughts,