Post Genocide Education Fund From their page, because I couldn't say it better.
...As little as $1,500 US a year will cover the cost of registration, tuition, books, and room and board for a survivor/student to attend a major university in Rwanda. The costs are largely similar in Cambodia, East Timor, Iraq, and Chad (where many black African Darfurians now reside in refugee camps)...
Why We Are Here
The ravages of genocide don't end with the cessation of the killing. Survivors must attempt to pick up their lives despite profound sorrow and immense losses of loved ones, family support, homes and material goods.
Due to having lost just about everything they valued many must start from scratch and do not have the means to pay for a university education.
Ultimately, helping survivors of genocide obtain a university education helps individuals to get back on their feet and helps to stabilize their devastated society.
What We Do
The Post Genocide Education Fund provides funds to enable survivors of genocide, who have the desire and ability, to attain a university education within their own nations.
We do this in conjunction with you...the generous time, attention, and financial resources that you contribute to this collective effort are why it will succeed. We encourage you to learn about PGEF and get involved in and help support our organization.
The story behind the organization's founding.
As we tramped up and down scores of dusty hillsides interviewing one survivor of the genocide after another, we kept coming across coming across bright and articulate young people who impressed us with their powerful insights. At the conclusion of such interviews, Totten would frequently ask such interviewees: "And so, are you a university student or a graduate of a university?" Repeatedly, we heard variations of such answers as:
* "No, because of the genocide I was never able to finish high school and because my parents were killed in the genocide, I must pay my own way in life and that is costly enough."
* "I was in college in 1994, but fled during the killing. My family lost everything and we are still, well, there is no money for me to continue."
* "While I am still in high school, I do not plan to go to university as my mother is too poor to even consider asking her for such assistance."
On of the greatest challenges in genocide recovery, especially in Rwanda, has been the specific targeting of intellectuals and professionals and even their increased potential for mobility resulting in exile. Genocide creates brain drain. The continuing conflict and economic troubles common in the aftermath increase this effect. One of the best contributions we as outsiders can make is to assist those who remain in rebuilding their intellectual and professional infrastructure. These people need the tools to solve their own problems.
Contact PGEF today to make a difference in the life of a survivor and his or her community.
Post Genocide Education Fund
c/o Dr. Samuel Totten
18967 Melanie Lane
Springdale, AR 72764