The UA&P Student

Oct 07, 2008 04:13

Taken from Jam Magno's Site which was taken somewhere else... probably. Ha-ha!

Original Text by Mr. Gibby Gorres

We are not necessarily Opus Dei, Catholic, Protestant, or Moslem.

We do not travel in packs.

We do not usually carry Louis Vittons and Pradas.

We know how to ride the MRT.

We have seen jeepneys.

We don’t think that Iloilo does not have electricity.

We don't have bodyguards escorting us to our classrooms.

We have scholars, too.

We can wear corporate and casual and still maintain the elegance in both.

We can do more than theater.

Some of us have passed Ateneo, La Salle, or UP.

Some of us went to UA&P as first choice.

We do not go to rallies but we can calculate how much rallies cost, economically and politically.

We know Dante Alighieri.

We drink and so did Nick Joaquin and Charles Bukowski.

We smoke and so did TS Eliot and Jean Paul Sartre.
We reek of pseudo-artists and pesudo intellectuals.  Liberal arts daw eh.

We can spend our money on frappes and macchiattos because dammit, we CAN.

We don’t necessarily make tusok-tusok the fishballs or make para the jeep.

We hate our fellow students who bring their Jaguars/BMWs/Cadillacs to school

We can cross the street.

We aren’t all Koreans, Chinese, German or Swiss.

We don't necessarily do drugs... all the time.

Taken from Moffy Wee's Site!

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