(no subject)

Mar 15, 2005 18:33

My book came in the mail today! I’m really excited about reading it. Nimh was sad and not really anything like the movie, though I must admit it has been a long time since I have seen it last. I even cried, and got all upset like. I think it sucks… I hate it when books do that. Figurative sculpture is not happing tomorrow!!! Yeah now that I’m not too bent out of shape over. It’s okay I just know I’m never going to take another clay class ever, ever again. Probably not even another art class. Jack said he thinks it sounds like fun, but he knows nothing it’s really hard stuff. It might even kill me in the end. I need to leave for the summer. Thus if anyone is willing to rent me out a space or if anyone knows of someone who is looking for a person to rent out a space too, I would be really happy. I am willing to be a very good house mate and share cleaning and food shopping responsibilities as well as pay rent on time. If anyone knows of any such situations please send me a line. Thank you! If not I think I’m going to go either to a friends house to stay or to (eeeep!!!) Nevada or Europe. Yeah. I need to get started on my ethics paper and read my book, I want to be able to talk to my teacher about it. I also need to feed my kitty because she is going wild right now. I think she is high on catnip? Oh yeah I’m fairly certain she is. Stupid druggie cat. I went to the fabric store today and they are moving so everything is super cheep, so if anyone needs sewing things they should go there. I have to go be domestic now and cook dinner, my parents new thing, they think that they will be able to marry me off better if I know how to cook. Poor them.
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