Jun 23, 2005 00:29
You know what some people are really fucking bullshit ass holes. Fuck you ass hole!!!! And you know who you are too you goddamn loser. God, I should be able to check my fucking e-mail and live my life without this kind of shit. Bullshit! You don’t want to be a part of my life, then fine. You’re a loser retarded prick that I don’t need hanging around anyhow-- THEN LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!
Forever. Also your fucking music and art suck too, anytime I said otherwise I was lying! Ass hole.
This is the final straw, I’m changing my e-mail and phone number!!!
I’ll fucking move away if I have too.
I hope you have a very happy life far, far away from me. I also hope you get a fucking std and die… but only after your cock rots off, and someone pokes you eyes out!
I hate you dearly,