
Jul 19, 2006 23:06

When originally the idea of working at rathbuns came up, I shot it down because I never wanted to work somewhere that was not vegetarian, or more that I didn’t want to work somewhere that was apathetic to something I believe is wrong.

Anyway, more importantly- I did not want rathbuns to warp my view just because I was exposed to people who were apathetic, even though it’s sometimes easier to be that way. I did not want to become apathetic. I have always viewed apathy as one of the worst human traits- but maybe its because it enables other negative human characteristics. I don’t know.
Through this time I have become apathetic, and changed my views on many things. All admit, I full heartedly support consumerism (and therefor, in some sense, capitalism) and a variety of corrupt industries that I would never, and I mean Never, ever previously endorse. But forwhatever reason, either working at rathbuns, doing my hardest to meet my needs either materialistically or otherwise, or just giving up or in, I have changed. I have become slightly or very numb to many things.

I listen to rap, I drink alcohol, I am a fan of people and pay money to industries that market, support misogynist and sexist behavior if not personally but as bystanders of an industry that does...........

But I tell you what, i have a LINE that will not be crossed. when the situations or opportunity comes for me to at the VERY LEAST I will do what I can when it arises to support women, and to let the discrimination and the unjustices known, I will not just look away while it occurs to someone first hand.

As a women, I have a moral obligation to call out sexist or exploitative behavior. And tonight, when a group of four males dining in the bar disguistingly and inappropriately touched one of my coworkers (whos 19)boob, after hitting on her all night, and also making inappropriate comments towards visably any women walking by.... they also proceeded to not only hit on, but join a group of women dining at a nearby table and later women in the bar, (im not sure when rathbuns became a meat market...) I felt like my manager should do something . But he didnt- he told me I should tell him that “I expect more from four professional men” (I will refrain from my comments on how fucked up it is to bring “professionalism” into what is acceptable sexual behavior or not, but whatever). And that his hands were tied and that he couldn’t really do anything. And BLAHBLAHBLAHBLAHBLAH

Unfortunately, as a women, although I do have an obligation to react and respond accordingly, am not viewed as a credible source to stop this behavior. Because obviously they do not view women as equal. So, to that, I believe, that males have an obligation to respond, and stop this behavior.

Because what this does, is perpetuate the idea that this is acceptable or at least tolerable behavior, and then men like this proceed with this behavior until they cross the line. Then when they actually fully sexually assault a person, society is appaled and outraged like this behavior just came out the wazoozoo, but in actuality this is a predictable action of someone with a pattern of inappropriate behavior. But we would rather not acknowlege that this behavior is unacceptable until an actual incident occurs, instead of preventing it from happening. I know first hand what it is like to have someone tell you, over a series of time, that “theres nothing we can do about it now” when in reality, before, during, and after, I begged for some sort of response, and there was time to do something about it before it was, in fact, too late. And then its over and everyones moves on because it happened and there really is nothing they can do.

So, with that said I was very disapointed that my manager, who generally is my hero, was not the hero in this situation. My co worker alison, after being prompted and encouraged, was the hero , although not much, she said “im a little embarassed that four men old enough to be my dad hit on me all night”. And it is nt much, but it is a step, towards making them at least question their behavior, and let them know it isnt tolerable. At the least, it wasn’t an apathetic attitude towards it.

I don’t’ care that im reactionary, that this isn’t a big deal, because the nonchalant non-reactionary attitude is exactly the kind of mentality that I am talking about, the kind of mentality that hurts everyone .So if ever someone one says to you, "life isn't fair, get used to it" then you should say 'Well it might be; if schmucks like you would let it be.
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