Funny story. You know how I went on an uncalled for hiatus for forever? Actually I made another account and started a story called '
Cockamamie Truth' on
gennaism-- notice my name's in it? Yeah u-u The reason why I made another account was I wasn't sure my readers would be into het. pairings like I was beginning to, so I decided to make a separate account-- but at the same time I was still in love with Yunjae and Yoosu--so I ended up having het and homo pairings in the stories i posted on there. Anyway, I kinda forgot about it till today while googling taesu images and my poster popped up. I'm sure no one remembers it cause I only got to a few chapters and it's mixed with het and homo pairings so I knew not many people would read it but~ just to let you know, after I'm done with How to: Get a Gay Boyfriend in 7 Days, I shall be finishing that one~ ^^
I'll be transferring that on over here as well but I won't be updating it till after I'm done with my current series ^_^
And uh...yep! That's it :D