
Mar 01, 2008 20:37

So what's new with me?

Not too much.
Keeping pretty busy actually.
School and work.
Same routine every week.
With the occasional going out with the lovies.

JoAnn's Music Center caught on fire recently.
More so the Hair Salon next door.
The fire started in the attic.
An electrical problem.
I happened to be working that day.
There was alot of smoke and water damage, so we're in a different place temporarily.
Pretty exciting (not really...), esp. when you live in Tiverton. lol.
You should have seen all the people that stopped and pulled over to see what was going on.
That's Tiverton for you.

Nicholas came to see me last weekend, which was a HUGE surprise, having such a busy schedule being in the Navy and all.
He's pretty amazing to say the least.
It was nice having him around. I really miss that feeling, not having him around sucks.
The daily phone calls aren't enough.
It's always so hard saying 'bye'...
Even though I've done it so many times.
Knowing that I'll see him again in a couple weeks or so.
But still, it sucks.
This is what I signed up for. haha.
People constantly tell me it's gonna be hard 'being a navy wife'. lol.
It's kinda soon to be thinking about marriage, but it's def. in the future.
I can picture spending my life with Nicholas.
I wanna finish school first of course, and figure out what I want to do with my life before settling down, but I constantly think about what my future's going to be like when I get married and when I have kids. lol.
Especially with Nick being in the Navy.
And by the looks of it, he's going to be in for awhile.
He goes on deployment in September, and doesn't come back til at least April.
6 Months. Yea. That's a long time not being able to see someone.
Nick asked me what I'm going to do when he goes away.
I think about that all the time. I don't know what I'm going to do.
Keep busy pretty much. I'm still in school, so I have that to concentrate on.

So Spring Break is around the corner.
I might be going to Virginia to see Nick.
But with him going underway, and all, it's not a def.
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