Apr 28, 2005 22:39
ok, so i found out yesterday some awesome fucking news.
who knows maybe this is it for me? haha. fucking great.
me and marissa are getting so close, thank god shes comming
with me, because i would so die without her. i dont even know
how i was living without her before. oh wait, i wasnt. i was
too caught up in faggot boys, and being depressed and being
around so much negative-ness. now everything is going so
comepletely awesome. and basically about half of 709
crew is moving down with me,me and marissa are planning
on getting a nice house, from her daddy, over in boca,
which is right next to ft. lauderdale.that would be
great. and hot damn we are gonna be so cute...
her with her convertible, me with my jetta...ahh i cant wait
to fucking graduate and get the fuck out of orlando, its so
gay here...
oooh and if time permits this weekend i think i just might
go and get my belly button pierced!
p.s. 4/20 pretty much rocked.