Oct 02, 2004 13:38
andthatshowitwas: not my fault you're UGLY
Gen Mash0 Rajura: YOU'RE the fat one
andthatshowitwas: well at LEAST i dont listen to FURRY BIRITISH ROCKERS
Gen Mash0 Rajura: and WHOSE fault is that???
andthatshowitwas: I DO BELIEVE ITS YOURS
andthatshowitwas: UNLESS IM MISTAKEN
Gen Mash0 Rajura: AND YOU ARE, FAT WAD
andthatshowitwas: I HOPE YOU BREAK OUT
andthatshowitwas: *AND* GAIN 20 POUNDS!
Gen Mash0 Rajura: i'd only do that if i had to look at your UGLY FACE
andthatshowitwas: WELL YOU KNOW WHAT?!?
Gen Mash0 Rajura: WHAT??
andthatshowitwas: I THINK YOU'RE GAY
and that was that.