So you get to deal with the "Put Kate in a MUCH better mood" u-pic. *nod* You're suffering, I'm sure.
Seriously though, I was going through my old HD and found some stuff I meant to put up on tumblr ages ago, so off to tumblr I go ... and they are not uploading and when they do? They look awful! Photobucket is not working for me either, nor is anywhere else I try uploading. There is some downloading going on on other computers though so I suspect that is the issue. *sigh* will try again later.
Good news! I am about to start posing 5.6! Then it is off to Debs for proofing and as soon as that is done up it goes! I believe I have the first bit of 6 ready to shoot as well (I think ... I hope, it was ready last I looked at it. Gods please don't let me change my mind again!) so I may shoot that at the same time as 5.6.
I am also feeling the urge to just write, without the images in the back of my mind all the time. They get pretty heavy sitting back there all the time, kind of restrictive when your first thought is always "Can that be done in game?". Don't get me wrong! I love the images and they are not going anywhere, just feeling the need to set them aside once in a while so if random, extra text only stuff pops up sometimes, you know where it came from. It is a busy place in my head. Sometimes I have to let some of it out.
Speaking of text only!
Guess what I found on my daily browsing of
sims_anon ? (okay, I admit it, I totally had the thread tracked. I still browse the community daily.)
This little gem.
Since I know there were a few on the f-list who were wanting to see it filled. GO READ! I am kind of feeling it should be noted it is NOT of the happy, fluffy. (I am told there may be a happy, fluffy in the works! SQUEE!) It is however darkly beautiful in its own way. I love it.
And now I am off to answer some formspring stuff (one of which I think I just partially answered :P) until my head gets back into the space it needs to be in.