Heh ... Opps.

Mar 10, 2011 05:10

*Update* Thanks for the feedback everyone. It is appreciated. :)

Hello wonderful, awesome, amazing readers of Pleasantries.

I was going back through this last part of Chapter 5 and I noticed I had a bit of a problem with a couple of characters being out of character (or in one case way too in character for this point in the story) so I set out to rewrite that bit. Then I polished a few shaky bits that were the victims of hurrying through the writing for SimStoCreMo, fleshed out a few details, expanded on a few things that were glossed over to begin with, that sort of thing.

An additional 2500 words and potentially 160 (+/- 10 I am not sure yet as a few are simply image sequences that I have not completed. I can confirm 156 for certain. Err on the side of plus) images later, we might have a problem.

I am loath the split it again. There is no logical point to split it as it consists mainly of one scene. But I will should I need to.

So here is the question. Knowing the size my images tend to be and how long it takes for you to load them:

Poll Split or Not?

pleasantries, a question

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