Behind the Scenes Picspam - What REALLY Happened at the Wedding of Cassndra Goth and Don Lothario

Jan 20, 2011 16:10

Okay, yes. I really am having difficulty with this not writing Chapter 5 thing! I am going to go work on much later portions here in a bit and see if that will help.


Talking to tainted_sanzo in my earlier behind the scenes picspam post reminded me of this!

Spoilers for ... ummm everything but let's go with Chapter 4, the rest won't make much sense :D

This is the last shot from the opening sequence of the Prologue of Pleasantries. Most of the main characters are here (Anto and Cal are kind of hiding in the back there behind Daniel and Brandi). I was going for a typical, formal social gathering feel.

That gathering was actually the wedding of Cassandra Goth and Don Lothario.That shot took me ages to set up. It wasn’t that it was a particularly difficult scene to do, fairly easy once I figured out placement actually. Problem was I couldn’t stop laughing!

Why? Well …
Presenting: What REALLY Happened at the Wedding of Cassandra Goth and Don Lothario!

The happy couple exchanging vows. A picture perfect wedding for the heiress to the Goth name?

Not with this guest list!

Check out the background.

Mary-Sue Pleasant and Brandi Broke.

This explains oh so much! Seems Daniel isn't the only one sleeping with other women.

Yes, Daniel it is entirely possible your wife is psycho!

Is it just me or is she checking Dustin out here? That’s class having just made out with his mother.

Ripp seems to have taken exception to Buzz standing so close to Tel.

Possessive little shit isn’t he? Especially since at this point Telesto and Juliet only just started dating.

Buzz doesn’t put up with it for long though.

And we have now gotten to the end of the ceremony proper.

Yes, only just now. All of this was going on while they were still exchanging vows.

I remember when the only thing I had to worry about was getting all the guests to their seats! Ahh how I miss those days, but I am getting ahead of myself here.

Don is oh so thrilled about this wedding can you tell?

This looks more normal. Can we have a calm, uneventful reception now?

Guess not.

Okay, Buzz, I know we have had this talk before. You do not poke Tel. Really.

Why do you not poke Tel?

Because first he does this serene little smile off at something in the distance thing (he’s thinking about making out if anyone is interested. Yeah, I WTF at that one too, but that is usually what he’s thinking about so …)

Then he does this and makes you think that he is about to have a pleasant conversation while you try to work out your differences.

Then he does whatever the hell THIS is!

Followed by this. (shouldn't this come AFTER he shoves him???)

Then he lays on the bitch slap.

And tops it off with the evil smile/hand rub combo.

Let’s get a better look at the combo shall we?

Can you see the sadistic glee? Bitch slapping makes Tel a happy boy.

Then, just for the hell of it, he will come back a few minutes later and shove you. Because he can.

And that, Buzz, is why we don’t poke Tel.

Round about this time the Bride, who despite appearances was not hanging small children with invisible rope, went looking for her Groom and was distracted by the scenery.

Cassandra: “Hello tall, green and handsome.”

Cassandra, there will be no picking up random men on your wedding night.

Cassandra: “You are no fun, Kate.”

“Where is Don anyway?”

Err, umm, yeah. I might have to rethink allowing Cassandra to pick up a few random men on her wedding night. Just one or two though.

Malcolm: “Back off kid you don’t have a chance.”

Dustin: “Double you tee eff man! You are old! That is just creepy.”

Malcolm: “With age comes the experience to handle a woman as fine as that.”

Dustin: “Seriously, you just keep getting weirder.”

Dirk: “Lil! Save me! Old ladies keep pinching my cheeks and telling me I am next!”

Lilith: “It’s okay Dirk, just smile and tell them you can’t get married until you are off being grounded. That usually shuts them up.”

Honestly, how do you caption this aside from:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ohgodscan’tbreathe ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

“Malcolm! Get off me!”

Malcolm: “What?”

Lilith: “No, Malcolm. Just, ew. No!”

Malcolm: “But I thought you liked older blond men?”

Lilith: “You are so the WRONG older blond man.”

And somehow while the drama was going on with Malcolm and Lilith, Anto managed to make Dustin cry … and I missed it!

I have no idea what he did.

Anto: “I am just that good.”

Dustin: “So mean.”

Dirk: “OMG! Tel did you just see that?”

Tel: “I did! Dustin is still crying and Kate hasn’t got a clue why! That is too funny!”

You both suck.

Malcolm: “I will not give up that easily Lilith!”

Lilith: “Get over yourself Malcolm!”

Ripp: “Pretty …”

And this is where Ripp kicked off what is possibly the most bizarre game of leapfrog I have ever seen by staring dreamily at Telesto.

Telesto promptly followed that up by staring dreamily at Ripp. This is when I noticed I had them in matching suits as well. Opps!

And switch!

Ripp makes eyes at Tel while Tel thinks about Ripp.

One more switch and toss in the girlfriend for good measure shall we?

Juliet: “I get the feeling something huge is about to happen that is going to send all of this completely AU and into the realm of ‘never happened’.”

Evil Villain Telestotm is about to enact his Master Plan© or you know just do something really stupid and plot breaking.

Something stupid and plot breaking like that …

Juliet: “My boyfriend is making out with another guy right behind me isn’t he?”

Yes, yes he is.

Juliet: “Okay, so we are now AU. Don’t panic. AU is not so bad. I can deal with AU. Oh God, we’ve gone AU!”

Juliet: “Hey wait! We’ve gone AU! Right on! AU means I can do this!”

Ripp: “Tel, I feel kind of bad doing this behind Juliet’s back.”

Telesto: “Don’t worry about it, she is totally checking out Lil’s Dad.”

Ripp: “Oh, well in that case …”

Telesto and Juliet: “AU so rocks!”

This shot is just here to remind everyone that there was actually a wedding going on, complete with cake cutting.

I really don’t know why none of the guests showed up for the cake cutting. They all stayed downstairs doing … other things.

Lilith: “For the last time, Malcolm, NO!”

Malcolm: “I don’t understand.”

Ripp would like everyone to know that Telesto is hot, even when he is making stupid faces and impaling Lilith’s hand with his.

Really, Ripp, the staring is getting kind of creepy.

Just when I thought things were winding down and we were all done with the bizarre …

Daniel and Mary-Sue pick a fight and prove me wrong!

They aren’t done yet though!

See how EVERYONE is watching the fight? Except Tybalt who is noticing how hot Daniel is while kicking his wife’s ass… Twisted much Tybalt?

Well not quite everyone was watching ...

Ripp? Tel? Domestic violence right beside you?

In all my years of simming I have NEVER gotten a shot like this before.

Or this.

It’s like a mini commentary on relationships really. The geek in me could ramble for days about this picture alone.

In reality though, I about fell out of my chair gasping and going “That is just priceless, I couldn’t make this shit up if I tired!”

Malcolm: “Golden.”

I agree completely.

behind the scenes, pic spam, pleasantries

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