RBPV 7.332

Aug 05, 2013 18:34

Last time in Harrell 3 (these are starting to sound like some kind of cult compounds ... ) Darius aged up to adult, Shot up his career track a LONG way, spent a lot of time wearing the stupid lightbulb hat and married Byrony. Byrony found her plans on hold due to my lack of foresight to get them a lot big enough for her to farm. So, with not much else to do, she produced spawn in the form of Adeline .. who has freckles!

They finished out the week by moving out of their tiny lot an into ...


Which is ridiculously tiny, even for the "homestead cabin" it is.

Remember all those promotions I mentioned Darius got? Yeah, he goes to work in the limo now.

I totally did. With as many birthdays as there are in a week in this 'hood, I made the exception for birthday cakes. Just birthday cakes mind you, not wedding cakes yet cause I don't seem to end up staring at those near as often.

Small gathering of just her parent's best friends for Adeline's first birthday. No one tell Alexander they are all Murphys!

Seriously, how cute are those freckles?

Darius = awesome dad. *nod*

Bree finally has her farm!

Somewhere in here Darius got another promotion and now goes to work in the pseudo-porshe.

Go Bree!

Ladies and Gentlement, I present the first ever Mayor of Pleasantview!

With this promotion Darius has gained the Harrell clan +1 to their multiplier, opened a second position in Politics AND Fulfilled his LTW. Not bad for someone just barely a week out of his teens who never went to Uni.

So, aside from looking incredibly smug, what do you plan to do next?

Darius: Take my wife on a date so she can get her LTW too. Plus, I always look smug.

He does.

I believe there was some "special celebrating" on this particular date.

I was totally not chanting "Food! Food! Food!" while watching her garden.

This will never make sense.


I might have mentioned this before ... but ... FRECKLES!

Oh stop complaining! It was here to drop you off.

The dates continue. I try to make sure they get at least 2 per day ... yes, life is just horrible for them ... *eyeroll*

Also, the house is in a continual state of remodelling, so if you see rooms changing and walls appearing out of nowhere .. yeah, it is an ongoing thing.

Date # 2 for the day.

WOOT! Bree you rock! Now get those tomatoes ripened so we can feed people.

Genie lamp! Only I kind of don't want to deal with the burglar ... again.

Look! A Differenter cake again!

Oh you poor child, you got your father's nose.

I am hoping she grows into it, Darius did ... but .. you never know.

I have never used this set in it's entirety before.

And now I know why.

What?! Her mother is not doing so well with this second pregnancy ... >.>

Besides, I am going to let her make that wish she has locked in her panel, that makes up for it, right? Right?

Still no idea what exactly this does.

I am also fairly certain heat stroke is not good for the baby.

Right, so they were broke ... I will take the chance on the burglar.

Also, I am starting to love their house. It has a very "old farmhouse" feel to it.


Well ... I figured at some point Bree would sprout ... did NOT think Darius would.

His sprouting took me by surprise.

Which is why neither he nor I noticed when Chelsea was born. On the other hand ... MORE freckles!

See, THIS is what I expected.

And this is NOT what I expected.

On the other hand they can now work in the garden pretty much 24/7 except for child caring for times and when Darius goes to work and that is a good thing because this town needs food! Plus, once she got the harvest in and got the store open (read table on the lawn) and all the tomates sold there was enough cash to build her this spiffy new greenhouse!

I forgot to get pictures of the "store" while it was open, cause .. fail. But the important part here is GREENHOUSE! Year round food production!

See? Sold out "table-on-the-lawn".

This brings us to the end of the week for all of the Harrell houses so it is time for a score tally.

3 utilities + 1 Community lot + 1 5 business ranks (only counts when all 5 ranks are at the same business) + 3 Households + 5 careers topped/badges earned = 13 x 18 sims (o.o) = 234!

Up next: The plot thickens as we head over to the Main Murphy house.

originally posted at http://genlisae.dreamwidth.org/257694.html:

harrell, bacc, sims by amochan8878, rbpv

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