RBPV 6.0

May 10, 2013 10:07

Slow but steady progress. That section of community lot in the middle of the map is "the prize".

Last time the Harrell's saw the founding of their second house, Darius moved out, Dominick aged up and Alexander and Rosica actually produced a girl!!! They finished the week with a score of 45.

At $100 per sim (which I screwed up on and should actually have been $200, I will fix it) and an additional $100 per business rank these taxes are getting expensive. It is good for the community though. Julien (spelled right this time) is currently sitting on $200 000 for the building of future amenities.

Alexander is still hard at work building stock for the store.

I would ask, but I don't think I want  to know. Looks cold though.

Child #6 on the way, and Dominick is getting close to adulthood.

Noe and Wilford have become best friends, they are always following each other home.

Dominick is VERY much a fortune sim. He does the "oh goody!" hand rub whenever I send him to harvest the trees.

More snow! I don't particularly like actual snow by the way. We don't get much of it here (yes, there are parts of Canada where you can say that, sometimes it doesn't snow for years!) and when we do it is heavy, wet and just nasty.

I tried to "fix" Dominick's skin with various make-up overlayed on top each other. He was not the only one who laughed at the result.

Then I went hunting and finally foudn the damn thing and deleted it. Better. Will take some getting used to, but better.

Mitzi! Is cute, adorable and absolutely spoiled rotten by just about everyone. Somewhere in here Stuart was born. I sent Alexander and Rosica to open the store and as soon as they got there Rosica went into labour and I was all "OMG! How am I going to get this baby back home!!??!!!??" In my panic I completely forgot to get pics.  Just know there is a baby in this house right now ... somewhere...

I thought Dominick might as well have a birthday party, get the whole family together, etc., etc.

He totally took a page from Darius on fashion. At least he has shoes though and not sandals .. with socks.

I have never bought Myshuno before ... donno why. They had a blast playing it.

This is how Rosica spends most of her days while she works on those last few points for her LTW. Both she and Alexander are pretty much always in a platinum mood recently anyway, but it is the principal of the thing. Also, check what is locked on her want panel. Alexander has a matching one and I thought "Hey, why not, only a few more to go and then I can download baby and child stuffs!"

Yes, they are going for 10 children in this house ... *whimper*

Mitzi gets her turn at a cake .. and I forgot to get an after picture.

Mechanical completed!

Alexander has had the want to write a novel stuck for a few days now so I let him. Of course it had to be a novel suited to a romance sim who is married and has a suspicious amount of family sim wants all the time but still throws up the ones that will never happen.


Book is complete.

See, I told you there was a baby here.

*squee!!!* So cute!

Rosica: Think that is enough days for 3 more kids yet?

Alexander: Should be, but if not we have a little left over.

It's okay guys, I have a plan.

Woot! Baby on the way! ... I actually just cheered about a baby ... in THIS house ... This challenge is doing bad things to my sanity.

Ooooooh. Lamp! I like lamps.

The first one to roll a wish want was Dominick.

I had him wish for money because Fortune sim.

Cheesecake induced pregnancy multiplier, but there is still more to my plan. This is just the back up in case the plan doesn't work.

Studying in her underwear.

Okay, so the outside lighting sucks, but if you have a darker monitor and you squint you should be able to see the black and white striped shirt.

I have to admit I cheered because with this little incident three things happened.

First, positions opened up in the Crime and Law Enforcement career tracks.

Second, they can now install alarms (and I can download different looking alarms) which they promptly did (I haven't yet though).

Third, the cop won thus opening a position in Law!

Mitzi and Wilford were all "flamey thought bubble burglar!" and refused to go back to bed so I sent them to study instead.

Rosica and Dominick left Alexander at home with the children and headed to the store. Being down a few people was an absolute nightmare to work with so they hired one of the gene pool members to help out.

Rosica: Buy a water wiggler at 'ridiculously expensive', Julien, I know you have the cash, we keep sending it to you.

Julien: That money is for building things like a college or an airport or ...

Rosica: You might be the overseer but I have 10 body.

Julien: Which way to the overpriced merchandise?

Working on cooking while Wilford ups his logic.

Speaking of Wilford, birthday time.

While Wilford marvels over his fingers I would like to take a moment to point out I have not forgotten a birthday in a while. I am quite proud of myself for this.

Wilford rolled up Romance with a LTW to woohoo 20 different sims, which is unfortunate since he will also be getting married thus making the chances of his LTW ever happening round about zero. He will also be going into one of the unlocked careers which currently are Education, Crime, Law, and Law Enforcement. I haven't decided which one for sure yet, but I am leaning toward Law. I can totally see him being 'The Law'.

Dancing to the piano is a thing in this house.

All the kids do it, for hours.

Even the kids who aren't kids anymore.

Meet Dena, Wilford's intended created by chillyzgrrlsims. She seems to have been one of Chesly's customers who hasn't thawed out yet.

Hanging out is not a very productive date activity.

They did get to know each other well enough for Wilford to get his first kiss.

And she stuck around for Stuart's birthday.

Stuart is still cute.

*jawdrop* Alexander! Retract the tentacles! You do not make out with your son's girlfirend right next to him and your WIFE!

O.o once again, no one seems to have cared. This is starting to worry me a bit.

Leaving off with the "babies incoming" warning, meaning we all have to wait for next round to find out what my plan was ... and if it worked.

originally posted at http://genlisae.dreamwidth.org/253886.html:

sims by chillyzgrrlsims, bacc, sims by amochan8878, rbpv

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