l am not sure if my mother and Mathew were getting visions of the future when they decided I needed a tablet, but I am so very glad they did. I wouldn't be making this post without it and l am a little surprised it can recognize my chicken scratch but it can! and l am posting!
So, l fell into Dragon Age: Origins (again .. there is a story behind the first "falling into" as well) for a few days (I remain horribly disappointed by Dragon Age II ... the reasons for this are many, but probably top on the list is the sacrificing of everything that the original game was for what is supposed to be, admittedly needed, "improved combat" which is actually your party members, and only your party members, the rest of the world remains immune and moves normally, having some sort of random muscle spasm/nervous twitch/ninja teleportation disease. For the record, and those who haven't played the game - ninja free. Nowhere in the whole game will you find a ninja. You will however find rogues who ninja teleport and jump around like Spiderman on a bad trip and their sidekicks, heavy plate wearing warriors with
BFS doing an impersonation of The Flash -
Voguing. That is a matter of opinion, I know, I know that works for some, I am not one of them. The unholy amalgamation of styles that is taking place in that game is ... well unholy really. It is like several people from completely different cultural backgrounds all getting together to make a single casserole "Just like mom used to make" and they all just throw in the ingredients from their individual mother's recipes into one really big dish ... imagine the end result of that culinary nightmare ... a giant sloppy mess with some bits over cooked, some under cooked and all of it falling all over everywhere. And the flavour as the yams fight for dominance over the tuna and the greanbeans come in for a sneak attack on the macaroni and the soggy potato chips lacerate your gums with their crunchy, burned edges. That is DA2. It doesn't work, on any level. *bracing self for flaming* :P ... I know who is on the f-list)
... Where was I? (Down side of writing all of this out instead of typing ... the hand wanders along with the mind ...)
Oh! The Dragon Age Disappearing act. That accounted for a few days of my recent silence but then "It" happened. What is "It"? Ulnar nerve damage. Complete with pain, swelling and paralysis of my left elbow. Fun stuff. Why it happened is a very good question and the only answer (much head scratching from my GP later) is that it just did. Lacking any sort of trauma to the site it must therefor be related to my Chiari Malformation ("When you have eliminated the impossible ..." Thank you Dr. Sherlock!).
The word "amputation" was mentioned.
Okay, so it was mentioned in the sentence "It is best to try all other possible treatments before we consider anything as drastic as amputation" but ummm ... I wasn't aware we were even considering considering amputation.
Dear Dr. Neurosurgeon:
AMPUTATION. The actual severing of a limb, a limb I am rather attached to. I realize this still falls under "quality of life" and is not technically "life threatening" but OHMYJEBUSFUCKINGGODS! Do I actually have to give a limb to get you to preform this surgery?
Absofuckinglutely Flabergasted Patient.
I realize last time I discussed this here I was leaning toward not having the surgery.
Surgery please!
So what does this have to do with anything? It explains why I am about to go fall back into Dragon Age. I haven't ever in any of (going on 20 by this point) my previous play-throughs completed the game as a dwarf. Nor have I sacrificed Alistair or saved the Anvil of the Void ... (note to self, do not take Shale for that encounter this time!)
I need to get lost for a while longer. I'll be back though, as soon as I can think without my brain screaming "AMPUTATION!". Right now, there is a kinky Antivan Crow who is putting the moves on a cute little Dalish Rouge. That is a way better topic to be thinking about.