Eleven Hours

Oct 27, 2009 20:03

Reita only wanted to have airplane sex, and (accidentally) embarrasses Kai in front of many people. But Kai would have his revenge. He always does.
For yhue.

Eleven hours from Tokyo to L.A.

Although Reita wasn’t the most uneasy person, he wasn’t the most patient either. Eleven hours of being tens of thousands of feet up in the air with barely anything to do was going to drive him insane.

Reita sluggishly pulled on his luggage to the conveyor belt and then threw it in. There was nothing interesting to watch on his laptop (porn was obviously and most definitely out of the question), he can’t play any instrument or even do air guitar, hell, he can’t even move around. Almost automatically he brought up a hand to his mouth, covering a yawn that Kai always complained as unsightly and unethical.

Well, at least Kai was with him. They can at least talk, maybe hold hands, or even make out. Unfortunately, public display of affection - especially between two men - was something that people don’t receive well. Reita grunted at that. Stupid people.

But… it doesn’t always have to be public, right?

The surly expression on the bassist’s face was immediately wiped into a perverted grin. Inch by inch he walked closer to Kai until there was virtually no space between the two of them. Reita then threw an arm around the brunet’s waist and Kai looked at him questioningly.

“Kai-chan,” the blond whispered ever so sweetly, “Let’s have airplane bathroom sex.”

Oh, he could see it now. Cramped inside a tiny airplane bathroom, they’d have no choice but to press against each other impossibly close, making everything all the more intimate… the both of them biting down on each other’s flushed shoulders to drown their moans of ecstasy… the echoed slick, wet sounds that their naked bodies would create… oh, how Reita could perfectly see -

“Idiot!” Accompanying the vehement reply was a heavy palm to Reita’s head and an unbelieving expression on his Kai’s face, sprinkled with a little disgust. A few heads turned to their direction, obviously intrigued by the slight commotion, but turned away not a moment too soon.

“Baby,” Kai flinched at the pompous-sounding endearment, “We’re gonna get so bored sitting on our asses for ages, don’t you see? Plus, it’s your fault for looking so enticing today…” Reita ended his explanation with a little pout; he did actually have a point. Kai did not look at all look as if he was actually going to another country, having dressed himself with a fitted, sleeveless shirt that exhibited his gorgeous arms, and Reita had always loved those lean but rather muscular arms. A very unfair tease, even if Kai himself wasn’t even aware that he was already being a tease.

Kai pushed himself away from Reita but the latter’s hold was tough, and it wasn’t as if he had any qualms with the blond holding him that way. What he did have qualms about, though, was Reita’s lasciviousness in public. “Well I won’t just be sitting on my ass during the flight,” the drummer waved a manila envelope in front of Reita’s face to make his point, “I have documents to fill out, schedules to… well, schedule, things to -”


A loud squeal followed the sound of a hushed slap and everybody turned towards Kai’s and Reita’s general direction, throwing scandalized glares at them.

“Well you’re no fun.” Reita withdrew his hand and walked away as if nothing happened, but a small snicker found its way to his lips once he got past Kai. Kai walked faster too but farther from Reita this time, not even giving him a scolding or another smack on the head; he was far too embarrassed to even raise his head.

This was going to be a long ride.

Even inside the plane, people kept giving them dirty looks. Reita couldn’t understand why they were giving a friendly smack on the ass (of course it was more than friendly, but same difference) far too much attention than it needs. Now Kai won’t even look at him; his look was a cross between silent fury and utter mortification, but Reita decided that was just his boyfriend being a wuss again.

Indeed, this was going to be a long ride.

Reita then proceeded to ready himself for eleven hours of sleep, putting the provided blanket until his shoulders. Kai was also doing the same - readying himself for sleep, it would seem - and Reita wondered why he was doing that when he specifically said that he had more shit to do. Obviously he couldn’t ask; Kai was still very much pissed at him.

He was about to really fall asleep until he noticed Kai pull a small tube of lotion from inside his bag. This time Reita had to roll his eyes this time as the other carefully coated his arms and then hands generously with it. Reacting violently over a nice tap on the rear was one thing, but this was far too much to handle.

“You’re such a girl,” Reita commented off-handedly and Kai glared at him. But it wasn’t just any glare; the look was fucking dangerous and seemed capable of cutting a few bitches down, one of the bitches being Reita. Naturally he opted to shut up and just sleep, before Kai actually takes out a pen and stabs his throat with it.

Everything went on so fast and before he knew it, Reita already had a slick hand down his beltless pants, past his boxers, and over his…

“Oh fuck.” That hiss came out louder than intended and Reita could swear he never saw Kai more evil than this. Kai reclined against the backrest, obviously very pleased with himself while Reita squirmed under his touch.

No matter how lewd (or probably illegal) this was, there was certainly something satisfying about getting off in public. He could’ve easily yanked Kai’s skilful hand away from inside his pants, but a strong sense of adventure - and of course, need - took over him. And if there’s something Reita wants, then that would be adventure.

Somehow Kai knew that Reita wasn’t going to push him away or anything, not even for a future humiliation. It would seem that the blond had a very thick skin when it comes to shame and couldn’t care less what other people might think. What Reita forgot and Kai remembered though, was the fact that he was a little too loud when being pleasured. And now that it’s come to this, things would be hard to stop now. Kai wasn’t going to stop anyway, and even if Reita tried to stop him, the brunet would just clamp down on his dick harder than what’s pleasurable.

Kai so wanted to just turn a bit and kiss and lick over Reita’s skin, just to draw out even needier sensations out of him. Of course he couldn’t do that since he wanted to be calm and nonchalant about it - he even had his own blanket up to his shoulder just so that nobody would notice that he actually had his hand down Reita’s pants. With that kind of predicament he knew he had to make it even better, more for himself than for Reita.

Reita’s soft moans became more frequent as Kai glided his smooth fingers across the blond’s hardening length, teasing him with the slowness of his motions. Kai felt the other shift in his seat and pull the blanket up to his nose, but spread his legs anyway for a much better access. It was hard to fight the wide grin creeping to his face so Kai just bit down on his lower lips. After all, he wanted to indulge his beloved boyfriend too… oh who was he kidding - this was all for revenge.

He teased Reita even more, squeezing and stroking on sensitive places, dragging his thumb over the head. That particular action made the blond whimpered out loud, calling the stewardess’ attention immediately.

“Is anything the matter, sir?” The young woman came up with a concerned expression; from her face, one could clearly see that she was willing to help if anything was wrong. However when her gaze fell downwards, her cheeks were colored with a rosy shade.

“Mmm… I think he’s just having a fever or something.” Reita’s forehead was indeed sweating, the visible parts of his face looking extremely hot, and his shallow breathing could be heard through the fabric of the blanket, but Kai wasn’t fooling anybody, not the stewardess or anybody who might pass by their seats. The action wasn’t blatant, but the movement under their blankets looked more than just an innocent petting on the thigh. Kai was confident since he knew this girl didn’t witness his embarrassment earlier.

Immediately the stewardess bowed down and said her apologies before quickly going back to her post, not even from where she was prior this… incident; she didn’t want to hear anything from these two men. Reita didn’t even seem to notice her presence.

In those moments, Kai’s ministrations didn’t even halt, not for a second. The leisurely, teasing pace on Reita’s cock went on, suavely sliding from head to base, and even as the stewardess had gone, the pace stayed the same. When his hand reached the base, Kai would stretch out his pinky finger and draw circles over Reita’s sac, drawing out even more delicious moans from the blond.

Reita, by this time, had nothing but a puddle of goo on his mind. Despite not being a guitarist, Kai’s fingers were so long and its movements ever so supple that in just a matter of seconds, he could seriously cum. But Kai moved in a very slow rate that evidently said ‘I’m not gonna let you cum easily,’ thus prolonging the sweet torture. Reita had absolutely no right to talk right now, so his frustration was channeled into his escalating groans.

This went on for only a few but excruciatingly slow minutes until Kai decided to grip firmly on the bassist’s incredibly hard member, making the blond moan Kai’s name. Anybody who was close enough already figured out what really was going on and the stewardess who was suddenly so sensitive with Reita’s noises blushed even more profusely. They weren’t just looking daggers at them, they were pretty much throwing axes. But Kai’s hand never stopped clenching down hard, and Reita never stopped moaning. Kai finally let go but instead dragged a long finger over the sensitive skin, making the blond whimper even more.

Thankfully, Kai started to quicken his pace, although his movements became much rougher compared from before, but it was just right to bring Reita over the edge. The drummer pumped Reita’s cock even more aggressively, making the latter grip hard on his seat and even chew on the fabric that his mouth was able to catch. Just a little more… almost there… and then…

“Oh fuck. ”

It wasn’t loud enough to disturb anybody but noticeable by those who hadn’t gone to sleep yet. Nonetheless it satisfied Kai as he relished in the warmth seeping through his fingers, mischief ever so evident in his triumphant, dimpled smile. He then kissed Reita’s temple but squeezed on his cock hard, which elicited a moan that did disturb the light sleepers.

A few seconds later there was a light tap on Kai’s shoulder and when the brunet looked back, he saw the stewardess, looking more distressed than ever.

“Please sir,” her voice was hushed and quivering but determined; “You’re disturbing the plane!”

Before Kai could even say his apologies or even bow, the young woman had already walked off, probably to the airplane pit to complain. A small blush crept to Kai’s face, but laughed it off once he turned towards Reita, who already had the blanket over his head. Kai chuckled more and finally withdrew his sticky hand, kissing Reita’s temple through the fabric, this time more genuinely.

It certainly was going to be a long eleven hours.

`fanfiction, ! nc-17 rated, & pwp, gazette: kai・reita, - oneshot

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