Paranoia, cha cha cha

Apr 14, 2004 08:21

Mmm, morning full of sunshine, belly full of skyr. My red card (3 month bus pass) ran out during the Easter Vacation, and seeing as there are only two weeks left of school I don't see the point in getting a new one, even if it's a 1 month one (the green card).
So until I decide on how to travers, I'll walk or bike my way to school.

It's the first day of school after the Easter break today, and yep - I pulled an all-nighter. Partly to get my waking hours in the right place again after this spring vacation, but also because I often find the best comfort and ease for delving into studies in the middle of the night, perhaps with a warm cup of coffee and some good music in my headphones. Lounging+laying half-way across the stark oak desk.

I took a break to watch half an episode of a series I saw someone commend on the new message boards, someone saying they'd miss it if it was dropped and another one saying the dark loneliness of the show kind of irked them - getting kind of an interesting response to that.

It's called "Paranoia Agent", and yes, it looks very good. It's a realistic story (it doesn't involve aliens, supernaturally changing people or mechas) about a woman who works as a designer for mascots or cartoon characters. On the way home one night, she's attacked by a mysterious kid wearing rollerblades and sporting a baseball bat - she's knocked out cold. The police investigators don't fully believe her story after interviewing her at the hospital the next day... but it seems something big is building up.

It reminds me a lot of the movie Perfect Blue. Psychological thriller. (I recommend that movie, by the way).

The introduction is very spooky though - showing most of the characters in the anime, one by one, chuckling somewhere to themselves or at you, always in the middle of the screen, with the backgrounds changing to increasingly weird locations each switch.
Notoriously freaky. But different, and thus interesting.

I devised a new user icon. It's taken from a flash short that handofme and I did last year. I just love that sentence.

Also changed the lj-name, or full name that is, to a katakana version of "Genkobar U. Rengar". I'm getting a bit more into the community learn_japanese, which in turn is getting more active in terms of lessons.

The previous name I used, "Coronator Te Euler", is a play on the magnificent choir+orchestra piece "Coronation Te Deum" by William Walton, composed for the coronation of queen Elizabeth of Britain back in 1953. I was part of the choir singing it at the Aberdeen International Youth Festival in Scotland back in fall 2002 - it was a lot of fun.
The Euler part is a reference to magical mathematics dude Leonard Euler - I like maths of course, but even so, Euler is just a super-cool dude.
So "Coronator Te Euler" was supposed to mean one who coronates Euler, or ratehr, one who idolises him.
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