Feb 14, 2006 10:50

what about my back? . .. . so i drove 267 miles to get back here. and i made it safely!!! aaaaaaaaand i went straight to my paerents house first. and hung out with my niece and nefew. he finally really likes me. he use to be kinda scared not knowing me. but now he cries if i leave the room. hee hee. he's so cute. he'll run to me and just hug my knees for no reason and then go back to what he was doing. sooooo cute.

and the baby kitty was letting me hold her like a baby!!! hahahahhaha super funny. she's way less scared of me. i'm so tired. i think i'm gonna get some sleep. and i'm TERRIBLE with presents. i dunno why oh well i guess.
sean pauls latest hit tEMPERATURE is my favorite song right now. reggae is so good.
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