Kagaya I'm planning to visit in the near future. Just need somebody to go with!
Green cherry blossomNuclear Power:
Chernobyl Tourism The people visiting are as interesting as the object of their tourism...
Japanese Firms Ready to Save Power Stupid cocktail recipe:
'Schuldig' -- a shot of
Jagermeister (German, reputed to be made with blood) and
Midori (Japanese, signature colour and seiyuu ref) and
White Chocolate Cream Liqueur ("Weiss"). Intriguingly, it looks like a purin. That's an effect I'd like to work with.
Oh, and tastes better than the ingredients might suggest.
Watched some more anime -- both [C] Control and Ao no Exorcist hit that precise 'cool spot' with specific characters this week.
Tiger and Bunny #4
I was kinda hoping Blue Rose might be a more subversive voice on the show, but she does have a real sponsor after all. I suppose I could see the advertising as meta -- I'm watching at home, just like the fictional audience. Generally speaking, I recognise that anime doesn't make as much money as many people think it does and this is great business decision. Adds a little realism since the whole point to the superheroes is brand image. Plus I actually like all the advertisers. Ask me about Gyuukaku sometime. :P
Still love the Tiger & Bunny fans too Summary: Still enjoying this.
Ao no Exorcist #2
The anime starts off in media res, with a few relevant pieces of information restated. In short, the whole first episode was unnecessary and this is where it really starts. And it is AWESOME. There's even a great cultural point that they're facing zombie dogs rather than humans because in Japan people are cremated. Loved Fujiwara Keiji as Father Fujimoto and I wonder if that's really the last we've seen of him. Hope not. Speaking of seiyuu, Fukuyama Jun is being wasted here.
And there's even genuine horror with mushrooms and weird demonic visuals that succeed in being genuinely repellent. I had decided to go ahead with this series even before the sequence after the end credits, when Mephisto Pheles (Kamiya Hiroshi) pops out of nowhere. At that moment, I knew this was definitely a keeper. He reminds me of Masakaki from C.
Summary: From pointless to AWESOME. Start from the second ep if you're going to watch this, although I'll admit it's not a great sign when ep 1 is filler. Subs need a lot of work.
C Control #2
Do we have a new short name for this? I can't even remember the full title and it's in English. I liked the first episode of this, although I think part of the challenge is figuring out the new world Yoga has found himself in. No wonder he's confused if even the viewer has trouble understanding it all. It does seem to be a bit unreasonable to ask him to figure out how to play mid-fight though. There may be 'lucky first-timers', but if there aren't that many, maybe the demons(?) should try explaining the rules.
Masakaki (Sakurai Takahiro) is, of course, one of my favourite characters. You know that. But my number one is Mikuni (Hosomi Daisuke). Not only is he over thirty and yet still hot (an impossibility in animeland), but he's a fallen angel-type. And, surprisingly, it's not literal in this case. He became an entrepreneur years ago and now he's hanging with moneydemons having pretty much lost his soul.
Damn, that's moe. :P
Summary: Mikuni is my new favourite character. Another ep out tonight.