Who's been seriously neglecting her LJ?

Aug 03, 2006 09:31

Me. XD

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Anyway, I've been pretty busy since I last updated. Between work, Dr. visits and attempting to have some semblance of a social life, it's been super hard to update anything online.

Right now I'm looking forward to Kcon here in a few weeks. I still have so much to do though! I wonder if I'll ever get finished!!! I still have almost my entire cosplay to finish. I guess it was kind of a last minute decision anyway, but I hope that I can get it done. *Is going to be Kurenai from Naruto* I was coerced into being her by Fox and her 'you'd be good because you look like her' spiel.

Life hasn't been too bad lately. There have been a few changes, but none have been bad I suppose. n.n I won't talk about them now, but I probably will at some point in the future. Some things are just so new that I don't want to talk about them yet for fear of ruining them. You know what I mean?

I've also been having serious bouts of missing everyone so much.... Sometimes I want to cry because I feel so isolated here. I guess that will get better once we move, lol. I just need to tough it out for a bit longer. Hopefully....

On the topic of anime, I haven't watched anything new lately. OMG I feel like I've been neglecting that too! I have manga that I still need to read stacked up on the bookshelf and laying in various places aruond the room. XD I'll get to it eventually. I did get to re-watch some Cardcaptor Sakura the otherr night. I almost forgot how much I love that show. *Loveloves* Yukito is so precious!!!
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