
Nov 10, 2005 23:39

This...has been a day from hell.

I guess this all kind of started on the Friday that Y-con started. So I guess I should start there. I had been really tired fr the week or so before, but I thought that it was just stress or something. You know, trying to finish cosplay and everything. Anyway, Fox and I got down to Y-con, and we were super sleepy, so we bought a couple of venti mochas or something at the Starbucks in the Westin. I drank mine kind of quickly...but I usually do with things like that. After a while though, I started to get really lightheaded and I started to have really bad heart palpitations. I couldn't catch my breath for quite a while, and I really thought that I was going to have to have Fox send me out to a hospital.

The whole weekend after that, I felt alright. Super tired, with the occaisional irregularity in my heartbeat...and weirdest of all...a couple of hot flashes (at my age!?!?). Nothing out of the ordinary for a con though. I'm always super exhausted (isn't everyone?). When we got home on Monday afternoon, we went straight to bed and slept until work that night. I was really dizzy and tired when I woke up, but I just attributed it to exhaustion, and figured that I would catch up on sleep the next day. The problem was, that the next day I slept and slept, but I felt the same way when I woke up. And the next night at work, I started falling alseep standing up... Even while I was writing (which was a bit comical afterward...looking at all of the lines and scribbles and misplaced letters on the paper). I just thought , once again, that I was overly tired. After last week though, I thought that I would have atleast caught up on my sleep.

The entire time after Y-con though, I'd been having really bad lightheadedness and dizziness. I hven't been able to keep my balance, and my heart has been having more and more irregularities. Then, this morning, I was feeling really strangely. I was counting narcotics with the morning shift, and all of a sudden my head started spinning. I had to tell them to wait a minute. It felt like my heart wasn't beating at all, and my vision faded out to white. I really thought I was going to die. All that I could think of was what Fox would think after prodding me to go to the doctor so much...and how much I didn't want to leave... After about 10 seconds, my heart had a really strong spasm and started beating really hard and fast. All I could manage to say was that there was something wrong with my heart because I couldn't catch my breath, even though I was panting really hard.

I don't know what would have happened if I actually had passed out -_- I had to direct them to take my blood pressure when I could actually talk again, as the stupid lead med-aide for the morning started taking my pulse... She was like "Your heartbeat is rather fast." No shit... -_-; She could have looked at the damn front of my shirt (You could see it moving) to tell me that. Finally, she managed to tell me that my diastolic pressure was over a hundred. I never could get the systolic out of her, so I didn't even bother trying. It WOULD be the morning that the regular med techs weren't there. I finally got calmed down enough to drive home.

After that, my doctor managed to fit me in this morning, and he ordered some labwork for tomorrow...er...later on this morning. So that's where I'm at now. Needless to say, I stayed home from work tonight. I can only imagine what would happen if I passed out in someone's room. I'm the only one with a phone on at night because we use a service to forward calls to a cel phone. For some reason, it's the only way that we can get a decent reception behind the fire doors. So noone would be able to call the other person working if that happened. The only way would be for them to use the nurse call system I guess. It takes a while for someone to answer sometimes though. There are only 3 of us in the whole building at night.

I guess I'll post back later to say how that went n.n I'm s little bit worried at this point, but I don't think it's anything TOO life threatening. Probably something that will be manageable. At this point, I would guess that it's some sort of problem with my thyroid, but I can't be 100% certain. I think Fox is more worried than I am n.n;

<3 Genki...this sounds so dramatic o.o
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