to add to the list of songs that define my life (never did I make one before this concretely) :-p
I'm listening to "Kid A" (Radiohead)
some songs remind me of hs
some songs remind me of past emotions
some songs remind me of now
+Idioteque (which for some odd, rather not odd, but nostolgia about hs thinking it was called "Ice Age Cometh")
+Morning Bells
+How To Disappear Completely (total >>>)
+In Limbo (yeah... that too.)
You can keep the furniture
A bump on the head
Coming down the chimney
Release me
Release me
yeah, then I'll grow tree fingers... or maybe those trees w/ computers in them will actually exist...
does this make sense? nah, but it's posted for my own benefit...
and "it's going to be okay"