Aug 21, 2009 19:21
Today I was looking through AP's site, longing for one of the Melty Chocolate pieces... and I found another dress (it was cheaper, too) that I thought was cute. One of those Lyrical Dot ones, so I looked at it... and, well, it has my measurements, nearly to a T (the bust might be a bit tight, I'm a 36-37, but it can fit to 38.58 inches). Now just one problem, the price. It was something like, 24990 JPY, which roughly translates to about 287 dollars CAD.
Yeah. No. I'm not paying that much for a dress. Apparently my dad's willing to though. :/ Despite his whining about my other expensive habits (animu conventions, BJDs, etc). Whatever though, he said I could get it, if I wanted, and didn't seem to realize that it's a 300 dollar dress. He thinks i deserve a brand dress, and I'm not going to argue because I've always wanted an AP dress. Sort of almost a Win-Win. Except he loses money, but he makes me happy in the process, which makes him happy, because I'm SORT OF KIND OF A BITCH when I'm upset.
Now I have to go kill myself working out. |C Just in case, for the dress. hurk.
[PS, if anyone was wondering, the dress is the Lyrical Dot dress in Black/Deep Pink]
angelic pretty,