Aug 20, 2010 22:56
So..I think I read somewhere that the Duggar's will be having a twentieth baby sometime in the future. For those of you who do not know who they are, Google them. They have their own TV show showcasing their lives and children. Go figure.
I know religion in a super touchy subject to most, but I just have to say something. The Duggar's justify their excessive procreation as "blessings" from God. I find that silly. Reality check here. I wouldn't call them blessings. Just a horny ol' bloke who loves kids and finds his wife uber hot aaand she won't keep her legs shut. A blessing would be if Momma Duggar had a hysterectomy done, has sex with Papa Duggar, and BOOM! Out comes a baby. Now, that's a blessing. Or, when Momma Duggar immaculately conceives a baby. Blessinggggg!
Don't get me wrong. I think it's cool they like having kids and be able to take care of them. Cool deal. Their business. Their religion. Not my problem. I wouldn't be creating a post about them had it not been for their "blessing" thing. I just found that comment silly is all, and I was in the mood for keeping things real.