wala lang

Dec 20, 2005 02:54

Saturday - ABM volunteer work at the Wildlife Rescue Center at the Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife in QC, NWA Christmas party at Oneal's.

Volunteer work - it was fun ^-^ We got rained on, cleaned out an enclosure, stung by wasps, and hauled sacks of dirt and plants to fix a freshwater croc's enclosure... but it was fun ^-^ I would love to do it again except that I don't have the time. As usual. Haaay.

NWA Christmas party - fuuun! ^-^ Food, a few minutes of RotK EE, Rain-bashing all around, and HP UNO. Was a bit apprehensive going into the party since it was a party for the entire NWA, not just SWP or PHP. But all in all, it was fun ^-^ I even got to meet a couple for people from TPTS which was a great bonus. Thought of joining TPTS (and Narnia) but decided not to since I'm not an uber-fan the way I am with Star Wars or HP... which leads me to now being guilty about being a VA and CharmedPinoy member since I don't lovelivebreathe Trek or Charmed the way the other members do. Sigh. Proper description would probably "casual fan". Hay ewan. Basta masaya maging member ng NWA orgs ^-^

Trivia: Found out that I'm somewhat related to Capt. Paolo Jalbuena of VA. Freaky, I know :p The name Jalbuena means his family is originally from Jaro, Iloilo where my mom's side is also from. He says we're probably 6th cousins or something :p Asked my mom and she also says that we're somehow related to the Jalbuenas. Wala lang. Weird :p

Sunday - watched "King Kong" with dad and Rob. Great popcorn flick ^-^ Didn't even notice the movie's length (except for when I really had to get up to go to the bathroom *bag). It's now official: I ♥ Adrien Brody. So dashing as a playwright-turned-rescuer ♥ Is it a bad thing that I now love him because of "Kong" and not because of "The Pianist" (which I haven't seen)? Eeep. Must see "The Pianist" ASAP. It was also nice seeing Kyle Chandler again - I loved "Early Edition" ^-^ Probably the only thing I hated about the movie was Jack Black's last line about beauty killing the beast. Urgh. Barf bag please. As usual, the CGI was amazing. Kudos to WETA. But uh oh... does this mean "Sith" is going to lose out to "Kong" for the "Best Visual Effects" Oscar? God I hope not.

Monday - dinner out at "Good Earth" for Lolo Fred/Lola Mags and Tito Ram/Tita Pauline's wedding anniversaries. Food was so not worth it. Overpriced and bland. I would have been happier in Superbowl. Oh well. Tita Coy paid for most of it anyway.

My mom and her friends are comparing kids again. Pakshet. She met them for their Christmas get-together yesterday and Tita Monette was going on and on about her kid who graduated valedictorian from Pisay and now has a full scholarship to MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology... not Mapua). Said kid also got straight 1.0s for his first semester there - a feat that was last done in 1982. So there. So mom's now bugging us to do something really great so she has something to brag about the next time she and her friends meet. Haaaaaayyyyy. So it's probably a good thing that I haven't told her that I might not graduate this semester.

How do you write a recommendation letter for yourself? I asked Sir Aldrin if he was willing to write a recommendation letter for me and he told me he was and to write a draft and send it to him. So what do you write? I mean, I can't see inside his head so I'm not sure if he thinks I did okay during the fieldwork.

Stuff to do:
1. study for 130 removal exam
2. read paper and prepare Powerpoint for 196
3. read paper and prepare Powerpoint for 170
4. study for 120 lec exam
5. finish calculating tree measurements and start encoding data into Distance
6. finish making gifts

random thing:

harry/hermione is Christmas
brought to you by the isXmas Generator

| sleepy] [music: 6CycleMind - Sandalan]

acads, rant

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