kids, work, and star wars

Jun 12, 2007 19:29

They (meaning Ms. Monica, Sir Nonoy, and everyone else at the lunch table) decided that there was no time like the present so they had me do the first ever "Environment Hour" this evening.

Presented ""Finding Nemo" Behind the Fish: True Tales of Nemo and Company" to a grand total of 3 audience members: a Russian mom, her kid, and Don (the Asst. FO Supervisor). The mom was really interested so that made it a lot easier. She spoke English well enough though there were some times that I couldn't understand what she was saying. Her kid was cute and interested as well, though he was more interested in the movie than learning about the fish in the movie.

On the whole, it went okay. Whew.

Update: the wound on the foot is finally closing and is not infected. Huzzah! But that still means so diving until it heals, which is about the time the scientists are leaving anyway. *grumblegrumblegrumble* But still. At least I can say that I went diving and got to watch Dr. Gerry Allen, the 2nd greatest living ichthyologist (his prof is 1st - a professor at Arizona State U who still goes diving and discovering new species at the age of 82) at work. Well primarily, I wanted to ask if I could borrow his awesome camera and take some photos myself :p Had trouble with my buoyancy as I didn't take my full suit (as opposed to a shortie) and booties into account. Kuya Dante had to add 4 lbs more to my BCD and Mike had to yank me down whenever I started floating upwards. Got an earful from Mike afterwards. Haay. He's not letting this go anytime soon.

So far, Dr. Allen and Dr. Mark Erdmann have seen 594 species of fish here in El Nido. And they're still adding to the list. The last study done here by UP MSI pegged it at 276. Whee :)

Argh... I want an underwater camera... Well, let's start with a DSLR first then work our way up to the housing and the strobe...

Am finally chatting with Les again after a few months. But ARGH!!!!! NOW I find out that she lives 15-20 minutes away from Staples Center, where Celebration IV was held. AND I could have stayed with her (for free!). AND she would have taken care of the food. AND she would have gone with me to the convention. AND we could have gone to California Adventures and Universal Studios afterwards because she's not starting her new job yet. ARGGHHHH!!!!! *repeatedly bashes head against a wall*

Must. Calm. Down. Increased. Blood. Pressure. Not. Healthy.

el nido, star wars, friends, work

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