Murphy ought to be shot.

May 04, 2007 19:50

Shet. Today was Murphy's Law at its finest.

We went on the Irrawaddy Dolphin watching tour in Malampaya Sound today with the guests from WWF-Denmark. The last trip with the shareholders went fine so yeah, we were expecting this one to go smoothly too. But no! Grar.

1. We arrived at the site late because the guests were late.
2. The propeller of the fisherman's boat we transferred to hit something underwater so we had to "pull to the side" of the sound so that the fisherman could fix it.
3. We got caught in the pouring rain.
4. Our boat stalled WHILE we were out in the pouring rain.
5. Our breakfast consisted of borderline rotten fish.

And the kicker...

6. We didn't see any dolphins!

Argh shet.

I was going to include a #7 - our boat back to Lagen took 15 minutes to start - but I decided not to because the overall ride back was awesome. There were just about 10 of us staff members on the MM2 (which seats about 20+), there was lots of guest food left over from breakfast (fresh fruit, breads, juice, the works), and we had clear skies, flat water, and a fresh breeze all the way back to the resort. Sarap ^-^ Got to sleep the entire 2.3 hour ride back.

Boodle fight during breakfast part I

More comfy accommodations during breakfast part II. The guy in front is Jack (F&B), the one with the iPod is Papa Dong (a dive instructor/dingy operator), while the one in the beige shirt on the right is Kuya Robert (he owns the MM2 and is a dingy operator).

No idea on what's going to happen tomorrow, although it looks like I'm going to be on the Lagoons tour with Kuya Reylan.

dolphin watching, photos, murphy's law

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