the view from my office window

Mar 06, 2007 18:58

The view from my "office" - I say that in quotation marks because it really isn't my office - window.

Spent the day working on short Powerpoint presentations featuring the environment of El Nido for the guests. Now that I've run out, will be making shows for the Philippine cockatoo and Palawan hornbill. I still haven't gotten any of the books or equipment I ordered so the guidebook project has been pushed back because the best that I can do at the moment is take pictures of what I see when I hike along the trail.

Will be going to Entalula tomorrow (haven't been there), as well as the Big and Small Lagoons tour and will be taking notes.

I submitted my proposed days off (March 27-April 1) to HR. Don't know if I'll get it though because Holy Week starts on April 1 and seats to the resort will be tight. Yikes.

pictures, photos, el nido, work

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