
Feb 27, 2007 20:47

I don't usually consider myself lucky in the general sense but today was amazing for two reasons:

1. I saw a Palawan Peacock Pheasant (Polyplectron emphanum) during a hike up the trail in Pagulasian Island. Why is that such a big deal? Because the species is vulnerable and shy. To see it twice in one afternoon - the guide actually saw it four times but I missed the other two - is just amazing.

2. We rescued 93 sea turtle eggs laid in Miniloc. There were actually about twice that number but the monitor lizard got to them before we did :( Good thing Kuya Orly spotted the fresh tracks. Kuya Orly dug them up and we transferred them over to Lagen for safekeeping. If everything goes well, they're expected to hatch in 60 days. Ms. Marigs is taking bets as to what species they are - it's a 3-way tie between green, leatherback, and Olive Ridley ^-^

Another batch of rescued eggs is expected to hatch on March 24. Whee ^-^

el nido, turtles, work

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