lantern parade and other stuff

Dec 17, 2006 00:49

Pretty busy day last Friday. Commuted the whole day in the sweltering heat. Shet.

1. Met up with stompboxer before going to Mad Science to pick up my (meager) paycheck, return the manual, and get the certificate of employment.

2. Went to WWF to follow up on my check and to hopefully meet up with Ms. Susan. Lucked out on both accounts as Accounting was still processing the check and Ms. Susan already left the office.

3. Went to UP to watch the Lantern Parade. Unfortunately, the annual Lantern Parade was canceled due to "security concerns" - the BOR meeting regarding the tuition fee increase was last Friday and there was a small rally in front of Quezon Hall. Despite the cancellation, the College of Fine Arts and a few other groups (NCPAG, Kontra-Gapi, MassComm, UP Babaylan, Beta Sigma) pushed through with the parade. Even though the Academic Oval wasn't officially closed off, they eventually had to due to the sheer number of people who still turned up.

My favorite floats: the kid and the palayok. Too bad I forgot to record the part where the kid feels around for the palayok before finally whacking it. The makers pulled out all the stops: candy really did come out of the palayok :p

The Engg "float" wasn't part of the parade as it was on a platform in front of Melchor. Lots of pretty lights and depictions of the different departments.

The big turnout despite the cancellation.

Other pictures over at Multiply. There was the giant slingshot that lobbed water balloons at the audience :p

Gave Maam Lorie the form to be filled out and ran into Jameez and Rose outside IB. Jameez and I exchanged stories of woe AKA job hunting stories. Bwahaha. Turns out that he's going to accept the Accenture BPO offer if he doesn't find an alternative by February.

The tuition fee increase pushed though. I know that I'm going to be pissing off some people here but I have to say that the increase is justified. UP faculty and staff are grossly underpaid (as cl_water said, kulang pa ang sweldo para sa gasolina nya) and facilities are outdated, dilapidated, and/or lacking. However, the revised STFAP has to be implemented correctly to make sure that only those who can pay the full tuition bear the brunt of the increase. The increase presents me with an interesting dilemma in case I take up graduate studies in UP: I'm going to be paying for my own tuition but once they see my parents' ITR, they're going to charge me the full rate. Bwahaha.

up, photos, christmas

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