
Dec 09, 2006 09:41

Didn't get the P&G job. Oh well. Maybe I'm just not meant for corporate life.

Left the WWF office at 1 to go to UP and meet with Sir Neil. Went to CS to get my TCG, certification of completion and application form. Went to the OUR to get my clearance which, incidentally, will only be released in February. Shet. Should have told them that it was for med application. Kainis. Anyway, was supposed to meet up with azdariel after but she blew me off :p Ended up helping Toy sew ties for ZS' Carolfest costume. Met up with stompboxer to go to Engg. Saw azdariel on the way there looking all happy :p

Ended up talking to Vane for 2 hours. Waaah I miss her so much. Gave her Les' padala. Caught up on each other's lives. Told her about everything else I knew :P Introduced her to stompboxer. We left when her friend texted her. Promised to meet up during the Lantern Parade next week.

Went to have dinner in Chocolate Kiss. Wow, such a UP cliche :p Ran into sofimi and Phillip (feels so weird to be calling him by his first name :p) outside of ChoKiss. Waaahh old friends galore ^-^ Hugged them both though I could tell that Phillip was felt awkward about it. Turns out that he was published in the new UP Writers' Club folio. So cool :) Found out that they both read my blog. Bwahaha. I didn't think they did :p Hi sa inyong dalawa! Hehe.

Went to the Writers' Night in CAL because the Manox were playing. Saw Paul :) Never seen so many smokers in one place before :p Grace and Manyel told me about organizations where I might find employment, which was sortakinda embarrassing because they know that I'm still unemployed. Still, it was very nice of them :) Left at around 12 and caught a bus to Sucat.

You Are 42% Open

You are a fairly open person, but you also like to maintain your privacy.
You definitely will tell all (okay, almost all) to your closest friends...
But strangers and acquaintances only get a peek into your life.
How Open Are You?

gig, up, special occasion, old friends, meme

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