
Nov 11, 2006 11:54

Pretty busy day yesterday.

Met up with stompboxer in Guadalupe before going to the Mad Science office in New Manila (opposite St. Luke's) for an interview. It went okay until they asked me to do a demo using the materials in a plastic box. Eeeek. Ended up doing a demo on movie effects using 2 pie pans, a toy log, a toy walrus, and a hairdryer. I'm now officially a trainee. Whee ^-^ They're scheduling my observation days for next week.

Went to the trooping in Mapua Intramuros after. Got there very early so ate lunch in Jollibee before relieving Francis of TPON. Waited in a classroom until everybody else (Beej, Nickoy, Liz, Karen, and Ava) arrived. Changed then went around the campus. Paolo of TPON served as our marshal/tour guide. Didn't think that so many digicams and phones with cams could exist in such a small area. I hope I can get copies of the pics Liz took soon. I'm looking forward to the Skywalker family portrait :p


The rest of Karen's pics are up here. Just a warning though: one of the pictures is of jedi_remus trying to be seductive :p

Had fun having dinner and eating out with everyone else before Aids and I separated to catch a jeep to Vito Cruz. The jeep was speeding along with us in the front seat when it hit the side of a truck. We both hit our heads on that thing above the windshield (no idea what it's called) and banged our knees against that area below the windshield. Had to root around the floor for Aids' glasses before getting off the jeep. No blood at least. I think we can rule out having concussions as we both don't have headaches now.

Will be going to WWF on Tuesday to finalize the contract. It's only going to last a month and will be for clerical work. Will also have a meeting in Ortigas after for a full-time job that sofimi reccommended me for. Sounds really interesting. I hope I get it.


As you can probably tell, I won't be accepting the Accenture gig after all. Good thing I didn't give an answer last Thursday. For now, I even have more work than I can make time for. Bwahaha. Well, at least for a month. There's the clerical for WWF, the Mad Science part time, and the tech writing thing. I'll see where it goes after. At least the new shoes I bought won't go to waste as I now have decent "office shoes" I can wear to interviews and whatnot :p


Strange that I go out on the weekdays and work on the weekends :p

trooping, jobhunt, accident

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