aching feet

Nov 08, 2006 00:06

Went to Accenture this morning to get their formal job offer. Yes folks, it's official: I am actually employable. Shocker. Anyway, I had to answer 3 essay questions before we got to discussing the contract and other requirements. Everything I needed to learn about BS-ing people, I learned from Pisay and UP. Because of said training in BS-ing, I think I did pretty well. We discussed the contract in the cafeteria. The reason why they want to hire even non-IT grads is because there's a lot of work coming in and they're shorthanded up to the point that they're willing to hire just about anyone whose test results indicate that they're trainable.

Uhm. Okay. Major blow to the ego. And I thought I was special. *sniff*

Anyway. They're offering decent entry level pay plus benefits. The downside? I'll be tied to them for 2 years. Yikes. And I pay the 100k bond whether I quit or get terminated. The heck? And I won't be able to use the Bio stuff I spent 4.5 years learning/cramming into my head. Sigh. I have until Thursday to decide and go in on Friday to sign the contract if ever. The target start date is this coming Monday (Nov 13) but it can be delayed to Nov 27 if I want to. But there. I have until Thursday to decide.

Why am I even considering a job that's totally unrelated to my college course? Because they're willing to train me and I'm willing to learn. The way I figure it, even if I end up quitting after 2 years and taking up an MS in Bio, I'll have learned a useful skill that may come in handy in Bio.


I'm totally sounding like I'm taking the job, aren't I?

Anyway. Met up with Aids in Glorietta for lunch then dragged him along while I went shoe shopping. Yes, you read that right: shoe shopping. Ended up getting a pair of black shoes and a pair of brown shoes. Closed toe. With heels. Two-inch high heels.

The sky is falling! Run for your lives!


Ang arte ko no?

It's just that I've been a shirt-jeans-sneakers person since birth and turning into a Makati yuppie was the worst thing imaginable... Funny thing is that with the heeled shoes, I'm now 2 inches taller than Aids :p

Btw, the aching feet are the result of borrowing my mom's shoes that turned out to be a little too big for me. Ended up being on my feet almost the entire day, with the side of the left shoe scraping against my ankle. I now sport a lovely scar on my foot as a reminder of today. Nice.


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