my head hurts.

Sep 11, 2006 21:30

Saturday, Sept 9

Watched UP Rep's musical (play by Joi Barrios, lyrics by Joey Baquiran, music by UP Underground Music Community) with fallen_nerd and Aids. Full house. Wow. Anyway, the play was great though I will never look at a Superman t-shirt the same way again XD Sort of made me sorry that I wasn't active this semester. Sort of but not quite. We left right after to go to Earl's birthday dinner. Traffic along South Super was (amazingly) light so we hung out in ATC for awhile. The 2 Jedi mind-tricked me into singing karaoke. Bwahaha. Embarassing but fun.

I finally got to see Earl's infamous toy collection after dinner. Wow. Wow. Waaaaw. *jaw drop* Strangely enough, all I wanted to steal borrow and never return gush over was the Obi-Wan beanie :p And the books and comics of course :p The lot of us spent the rest of the evening telling fallen_nerd stories about UP. Hope we haven't frightened her off yet XD

Very arrrggghhh moment: it turns out that a UK publisher also bought the rights to releasing Rurouni Kenshin in English. The Gollancz Alliance version is P215 compared to TokyoPop's P550. Arrrrggghhh. Gollancz Alliance is also releasing Flame of Recca, Detective Conan, Fushigi Yuugi, and Maison Ikkoku. I want to get Recca, though all the copies in Powerbooks are sealed so I'm not certain of the quality of the translation, paper, etc. But still! It's half the price of TokyoPop's releases! *headdesk*

Sunday, Sept 10

UAAP Cheerdance Competition. Another year of heartbreak. Sigh. As the_bumper_car said,

"Being a UP Varsity fan is an exercise in getting your heartbroken. Repeatedly. And in learning to set your expectations low. Oh, and in disappointment at the fact that there is no justice in the world, and that people will do horrible things over something as trivial as a cheering contest.

Which is how UP prepares you for life."

I had UP or FEU pegged for first. UST's routine was clean but uninspired - last year's routine was actually better. Must have been the crowd. Oh well. Adamson's stunts were great but their dance moves were messy. ADMU improved a lot. Looking forward to seeing them next year. NU's canned music wasn't mixed very well.

Next year. Na naman.

The Blue Djinn of Babylon by P.B. Kerr (sequel to Children of the Lamp) is finally here. The catch? It's hardbound. Same with Half Moon Investigations by Eoin Colfer. The paperback version of Inkspell by Cornelia Funke is also out. The Alex Rider books are cheaper in Fully Booked than in Powerbooks. Hay.

Having a vice is expensive. Sigh.

Monday, Sept 11

That's it. He takes his you're-all-so-lazy-I'm-the-only-one-working-I-know-better-than-you tone of voice with me again and I swear I'm going to wring his neck.

uaap, up rep, reading, acads, rant

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