finally: leisure reading!

Sep 05, 2006 22:30

Finally got the chance to read The Mythology Class by Arnold Arre. A one word description: AWESOME!!! Wow. He's an amazing storyteller. I thought the character designs were weak - the characters looked a lot alike and some even looked similar to the characters in After Eden - but with writing this good, I didn't really mind it. And the fact that it was set in UP made me smile :) I sorta wish the text was typeset instead of being handwritten so that everything's consistent. But then again, how the text was written also conveyed emotion. Anyway. Bottom line is that it's an excellent graphic novel. I only wish we were able to give Neil Gaiman the collected edition instead of just vol. 2 - the special collected edition wasn't out when he came here.

We're still coming up with gimmicks for our Jap10 reporting on anime :p They decided to cut down on the history because it would be boring and just focus on the genres and notable works.

reading, acads

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