some new stuff

Aug 17, 2006 18:55

We've got Sir Yazon for the 2nd part of our Bio 120 lab classes. Let me just say this to get it out of the way: ang gwapo nya, shet! XD First time I've ever crushed on a teacher. Bwahaha. He's dethroned Sir Argayosa as the resident IB crush-ng-bayan. He has vaguely European features (it's the nose) and tall. Waw. To hear him tell it, he grew 11 inches between 1st and 3rd year college. And he has an MS Microbio. Saan ka pa? :p

Non-acads stuff:
I finally got new work yesterday. Whee! I need the cash. But I really want to bitchslap the person who wrote the first draft of the write-up. Who the heck uses "giveawayable" in a technical document?! *imagines throttling the offender*

Finally finally finally getting around to reading The Golden Compass by Phillip Pullman (Book 1 of the "His Dark Materials" series) and I can't put it down! That would ordinarily be a good thing except that I have that Jap exam coming soon and I got new work yesterday. Looks like whatever I'm going to earn for the next 2 weeks will be going towards buying The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass :p

reading, acads, work

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