attack of the insecurities

Aug 10, 2006 16:39

Aids asked me a question last night that made me stop in my tracks (or rather, made my hands freeze over the keyboard): "Can you act?"

My first thought was "Hell yes!". Having gone through the hell that is UP Rep must have drilled some things into my head. I've done 3 plays in UP (though one was for IB) and a few tula-dulas. I must know something. Upon further reflection, I realized that all of my roles thus far have been for the tweetums-daddy's-girl type roles:

Anne (Cruise My Heart)- hair in pigtails, jumper, lots of button pins, knee-high Winnie the Pooh socks, and never allowed by her overprotective dad to do anything with the org

Crispinita (Sino Ba Kayo?) - china doll hair (I had my hair in curlers for an entire morning), wide hat, dress, stockings, and goes running to daddy because she saw her boyfriend with another girl

Ning-Ning (Propesor Tuko) - kikay grade schooler, hair in pigtails, carried a doll around, and didn't want to get her hands dirty

So there. Wahaha. No variety whatsoever. No acting needed because each character channeled a part of me. Rep didn't cast me when I tried out for other roles. Hence the attack of the insecurities. Oh well.

Anyway, on the off-chance that Aids does get me for the sequel to "Twilight Jedi", I'll be a random Padawan who gets killed so the only major acting I'll need to do would be to look dead :p


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