DSL is still down...

Jul 26, 2006 01:04

...and I'm going nuts.

Photoshop is my friend. Spent a few hours making a new batch of Ouran icons. They turned out pretty okay considering that I don't know a lot about PS. Will upload them once the DSL is back up.

Read Hatori Bisco's "Sennen no Yuki" (her series before Ouran). Loved it ^-^ But it's only 2 volumes long and on indefinite hiatus. Waah. It's very different from Ouran - Sennen no Yuki leans towards the drama/angst/fantasy shoujo genre compared to the crack leanings of Ouran. Doesn't mean that it isn't as good as Ouran. Just different. I'm hoping she resurrects this series after she's done with Ouran. Viz already licensed it but they're releasing it under "Milennium Snow". Gawd what an awful title. Shoujo Magic translated the title as "A Thousand Years of Snow" when they released it. While "Milennium Snow" is also technically corrent (sennen=milennium, a thousand years), "A Thousand Years of Snow" sounds so much prettier and poetic. Anyway, I'm still getting it once it's released. Touya! ♥ A sarcastic yet kindhearted bishie vampire is too good to pass up :p Les also recommended Vampire Knight. Her response when I asked her about the plot? "Who cares? It has lots of bishies!" XD

Les uploaded Tokyo Crazy Paradise and Never Give Up on Streamload for me, in addition to Ranma 1/2 seasons 1-7. Waah ang bait. Will be downloading those once the DSL is back up. Shet. Pahaba na ng pahaba ang download list ko. Curse you PLDT!

For the (few) Judith McNaught fans on my f-list, try this trivia quiz. It has quotes from all her books and you have to identify which character said it. I only got 6/15. Sob. Maybe I should quantify: I love Judith McNaught's historical romances :p Those are the ones I have memorized and have to replace every now and then as they're breaking apart at the spine.

random, anime

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