on pisay, ai, and being aimless

May 25, 2006 22:02

Here are the links to the articles I was talking about in my entry last Tuesday:

Sink or Swim: Pisay graduates are accused of overconfidence and academic delinquency in college

Fading Glory? Congress may be sacrificing quality for quantity in pushing for more science high schools

A Matter of Religion: The Opus Dei ‘invades’ the Philippine Science High School. Should this be cause for alarm?

I love YM. I was able to talk to Les, Joma, and paolomedina. Staying up until the ungodly hours AKA 2am is finally paying off. I'm chatting with Les while we're both working. Haha evil :p At least S\staying up chatting with her is also good because I don't fall asleep while working ^-^ Tsamba lang yung Pisay YM conference kanina. As it turns out, Joma is now the president of UP ERG. So cool ^-^ Pero hmph. Huli na pala ako sa balita.

Les and I sorta reminisced about our barkada's fondness for Judith McNaught's historical romance novels :p Each one of us has a particular favorite:

me - Until You
Les - Something Wonderful
Abi - Whitney, My Love
Kay - Almost Heaven
Vane - Kingdom of Dreams
Marge - Once and Always

I miss them so much.

AI: loved the performance of Clay Aiken most of all, but hearing Mandisa sing "I'm Every Woman" again comes a close second. FOX should have gotten Fuel to play instead of Live so that Chris could front them :p Katharine sounded amazing when she sang "It's All Coming Back to Me Now". She should have sung it during the season. I'm still waiting for Kelly Clarkson to come back and perform though ^-^

Question: why do people insist on humiliating themselves on national TV? And why does FOX pick on them anyway? The "Golden Idol Awards" and the "Puck and Pickler" segment were just cruel. I don't know if Mark Sandecki (the Clay Aiken "impersonator") is just that thick-skinned that he doesn't mind being made fun of on international TV or he just really really wants his 15 minutes of fame. But then again, getting to share the stage with Clay Aiken just might have been worth it :p

Reply to azdariel's meme: my username is genki_geek because it describes me pretty well. "Genki" is a Japanese word that means energetic, lively, active. Makimachi Misao of Rurouni Kenshin is my favorite anime/manga character because she's just such a lively and fun person, albeit more than a little immature :p I'm generally a happy person and I rarely get angry, although some cynicism does crop up now and then. "Geek" because I am one. I love reading. I'd choose staying at home with a book over clubbing any day. I love my Star Wars, Harry Potter, manga, anime, and Star Trek. The people I've met through PHP and SWP are slowly becoming some of my closest friends. So yeah. genki_geek suits me just fine ^-^

Last: IPAMS - the HR arm of Emirates in the Philippines - contacted me today. They wanted me to come in for an interview. Told them that I had to defer my application as I didn't graduate this April as expected. Sob.

Jay's reaction: "Don't you have to be pretty to become a stewardess?" Bwiset. Wanted to strangle him on the spot.

Rob's reaction: "You're even more aimless than I am!" Which is true by the way. I have no idea what I want to do after graduation, no idea on what I want in life. I'm considering working as a flight attendant because I want to see the world. I want to see everything there is to see. The long hours and irate passengers would be worth it.

pisay, ai, work, meme

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