Hana Yori Dango

Apr 13, 2006 21:18

Just finished reading "Hana Yori Dango"... all 36 volumes of it. Took me forever to download but only 3 days to read. It was great overall but I'm still more than a little frustrated. Why is it that none of my major ships in any fandom (except for RK and HSM) ever comes true??!? Gah. Very shallow reason for being frustrated but still.

I will never ever understand the bickering type relationship as beautifully illustrated by Tsukasa and Tsukushi. Having to tolerate the various fights for 36 volumes was exhausting. Didn't they ever get tired of punching/screaming/shouting at each other? Sigh. Why would somebody continue to be in a relationship with somebody who didn't understand her at times? Why be with someone who made her cry constantly whether he meant to or not? She could have been with someone who understood her, who was there during all the times Tsukasa made her cry, who openly defied his friends to save her from bullying and getting kicked out of school, the person she was most comfortable with? Sigh. I'll forever be a Rui/Tsukushi shipper. Besides, Rui is better looking than Tsukasa anyway :p And since he's rich but not uber rich like Tsukasa, there'll be less pressure on all parties concerned. Second choice would be Sanosuke/Tsukushi as he's a guy with enough backbone to actually cut ties with his powerful family in order to pursue his dream of becoming a famous sushi chef.

And another pairing made me want to tear my hair out: Soujiro/Yuuki! Gaaahh. Having them remain just friends made my heart break, especially the part where Soujiro says that he could never look at Yuuki as someone to love. Sigh.

Last rant: Tsukushi has an absolutely. Shitty. Mother. Are there people like her in real life? Gawd.

manga, rant

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