where I praise some CW show no one else cares about

Nov 12, 2013 21:52

One of my guilty TV pleasures is "Hart of Dixie". Oh wait. Screw that - I don't feel guilty for liking it :P It's (FINALLY!) a nice, sweet, drama-free show that livens up my week.

It stars Rachel Bilson as Summer Roberts Zoe Hart, fancy New York doctor who moves to small-town Bluebell, Alabama. The first two seasons are all about the love triangle between Zoe, Wade (Wilson Bethel as a bad-boy bartender) and George (Scott Porter as a goody-two-shoes successful lawyer). It was dramatic, messy, and convoluted, with Season 2 ending with Zoe staying in New York for the summer to get away from the drama in Bluebell. Season 2 had her with Wade but the guy cheated on her because of his insecurities *rolls eyes*. ANYWAY, Season 3 opens with Zoe having a new boyfriend in the form of writer Joel (Josh Cooke). Joel follows Zoe to Bluebell and tries to settle in, same as how Zoe was in Seasons 1 and 2. You know what? I'm happy for her! I absolutely do NOT get the hate Joel gets from the HoD fandom. To try to kill the hate, I'm compiling my own list of why Joel is absolutely the RIGHT GUY for Zoe Hart.

Why Joel is the Right Guy for Zoe (or why I totally would have voted YES in Dash's poll):

1. Joel is drama-free. This is a very important characteristic to have since Zoe has her own drama in spades. As a viewer, I do not need any more, thank you.

2. Joel obviously loves and adores her. Kudos to Josh Cooke for being so adorkable. Zoe obviously loves Joel too.

See? The people of Bluebell (eventually) love Joel too!

3. Zoe is obviously happy with him. Really. Zoe did not smile this much when she was with Wade.

4. Joel lets Zoe push through with her shenanigans but he's also there to hug and comfort her when (not IF, WHEN) everything goes wrong. After 2 seasons, Zoe Hart is still naively optimistic (or expects things to be easy?) when it comes to things. She has to learn the tough lessons on her own and Joel lets her. However, he's there for her during the aftermath.

5. They're practically each other's best friends. Again, a very important characteristic to have. I did not see this friendship with either George or Wade.

Now, other HoD fans may ask "What about Wade?". Well, what about him? Yes he's grown up some this season and I'm happy about that too. The thing is, that growing up was mostly due to Lemon Breeland (Jamie King) and her I-refuse-to-take-crap-from-you-Wade-Kinsella attitude.

I hated, hated Lemon in Season 1 (I think we were all supposed to hate her) but she's also grown since then. She and Wade have been friends since high school and she understands him. She believes in him but doesn't take his shit either. She calls him out whenever he does something boneheaded. On the other hand, Wade gets Lemon to have fun once in a while. In short, they complement each other perfectly. They have the perfect couple name too - LEMONADE! *super corny but one of the characters on the show used it so it's official*

I am looking forward to this season of Hart of Dixie with more Joel, more learning for Zoe, and more Lemonade!

(Yes I use Livejournal for my fandom-related rants. Don't judge me.)

zoe, joel, hart of dixie

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