wala lang

Dec 29, 2005 19:32

I'm now home (alone) because I got in late from today's trooping and they've all gone to Manila Bay to watch the Pyro Olympics. Hay. In my defense, I didn't even know that we were going to watch it. Oh well. Probably should have taken the MRT instead of hitching a ride with Oneal/Rej/Vicoy - would have saved them the trouble too.

Got my driver's license yesterday. What was supposed to take the whole morning took the whole fucking day!!! Argh!!! And that was with shortcuts already - my dad knows somebody who knows somebody in the San Juan LTO so we didn't have to take the practical driving test. We only had to take the written test and even that had it's own shortcut - my brother and I were told that if we didn't know the answer to the question, leave the space blank and that somebody in the LTO would fill it in for us. WTF?! This is a very very twisted country we live in. Trivia: the guy my dad knows holds a license to drive motorcycles, cars, and freaking 10-wheeler trucks... but he doesn't know how to drive. Every time he and my dad have to go somewhere, my dad drives. Ahuh.

BTW, I did not cheat on the written exam. And my brother got a higher score than me. And he didn't cheat either. Huh. This is probably the first time he's ever got a higher score than me on a test.

Because of the goddamned fucking system, I was very very very very very late to the PHP EotF. The only things I got to enjoy were the food, the Gryff game, exchange gift (which I did not join due to lack of funds), set by the Luscious Malfoys (:p) and the HP auction. Oh, and got to play HP Scene-It with the rest of the Ravenclaws ^-^

Food - waw! Sulit ang P80! ^-^

Gryff game - now I know how a mummy feels :p (got wrapped in 2-ply tissue paper) Ana and I won that game so we got a McDonald's Happy Meal toy as a prize ^-^

exchange gift - no cash at the time so I didn't join it. Looked like fun though :)

Luscious Malfoys - composed of Aids (The PurpleChickens), JP (The Late Isabel), Vicoy (Boy Baliktad :P) and thomspeaks. In fairness, ang galing nila ^-^ Yes thomspeaks, you do sound like a higher-pitched version of Champ :p

HP auction - lost the nekkid!Harry-in-the-prefects'-bathroom pin to joannaland. Oh well :p Got the H/Hr PoA trading card at p75... all because Ate Chona decided to drive the price up. Hmph :p Kainis. Oh well. Everything minus p40 goes to PHP anyway so it takes most of the sting out of it. And apparently, my fanatical H/Hr shipping is now known to the entirety of PHP. I'm still deciding if their reaction to it is of the whatever-works-for-you variety or the patronizing kind.

Waah bitin ako sa EotF. Although that would probably be my fault as I got there at around 5:30 as opposed to the scheduled 2pm. Haay. I blame the government.

Trooping today! (It's weird that we still call it "trooping" even though we were in HP costumes as opposed to SW :p) Mom let me go on the condition that I finish my DAN internship application stuff and mail it today. Mailed said application package before proceeding to the Megatrade Hall. In fairness, mahal pala ang FedEx. Ended up paying p1511 to guarantee that the application reaches the States in time, as opposed to 2+ weeks and no tracking for regular airmail (p57 lang!!!). Haay nako. Dropped by EGG in the hopes of buying a blue zippy pouch but no luck - they only had it in brown.

Got a free lunch courtesy of the event organizers. Changed, cleaned up, then basically sat on our asses while waiting to be called in. Ruth mentioned that she got tickets (Upper A!) for the Backstreet Boys concert in Araneta and that started the non-stop singing of boy band songs until we got called in :p Made our way through the Backstreet Boys, N' Sync, 98 degrees, Boyzone, Westlife, to 911, A1, Five, and Code Red. Wahahaha! It's kinda disturbing that we still have the song lyrics memorized, considering that they were popular when I was in Grade 7 :p

Played mascot for all of 15 minutes except for Vader, who again managed to be everyone's favorite character. Passed myself off as Cho Chang - it sounded so much better than "random Ravenclaw student" :p Oh, and Noel (of SWP) took pictures of us (cmdr_gabe_e, Beejay, and me) in our HP costumes. Am now waiting for someone *pokepokepoke* to post them :p

BTW, may bago nang Rain-bashing hirit :p May kinwento yung organizer na reactions ng mga girls na nagpapapicture. Won't say anything here though - you'll have to ask him in person ^-^

All in all, it was a fun day ^-^ I don't regret going to the trooping even if I did end up getting left behind.

*goes off to finalize thesis data sheets and study for 130*


swp, php, life

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