Today I think I finally had a break through sort of an experience with my advisor. A class from ESF was visiting our lab and we all had to give them little demos on the sorts of things we do for our research. So I gave them a demo that I originally was dreading, but then had a blast doing. My plan actually illustrated more points than I was
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Of (melody, timbre, volume dynamics, note attacks [almost the same as volume dynamics] [I claim "harmony" is mostly part of timbre -- flame on music majors] and lyrics) I often keep some abstraction of the salient parts of one or more of these when I get a song stuck in my head.
Sometimes I have a really abstract representation of a melody stuck in my head without the rest (particularly with childrens or folk songs that have many different versions) Sometimes my abstraction leaves out part that I then fill in later.
The most fascinating time this happened is when I got a version of the Doors "Hello, I love you" stuck in my head, only the version with the filled-in parts of the abstraction was played with a different, but doors-like syncopated rhythm on a flat-dynamics saw-tooth-wave device with no lyrics. Later I force-fit lyrics kinda like the original to the new variant:
a sample of the new lyrics should mostly indicate how the rhythm went.
"Hello, Love you, Let me JUMP IN GAME!
Hello, Love you, wont you TELL ME NAME!"
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