Tenipuri Live Action

Apr 03, 2011 01:35

My very unsatisfied...review of the live action drama. Urgh...WITH FULL SCREENSHOTS TO PROVE I WATCHED IT FROM START TO FINISH.

If you want to see the screenshots without my commentary then just go here. Or if you want full sized versions of these images for icons or whatnot you can go there too. There are also more images in the photobucket folder than there will be here. I'm not going to use all of them coz some of them are just variations of the same scene.

Okay...here we go. 

Okay so the show starts with Sakuno on the train.  Doing the whole minding her own business thing. Actually...I lie. The show starts with Ryoma getting off a plane but I didn't take any scaps of the plane scene or the Ryoma walking through the airport scene.

Ryoma does his usual thing and opens his big mouth. Blah Blah Blah I are afraid of nothing.

So they crowd around him and then dare him to get off the next station so they can play a game of tennis to prove who is the more awesome person.

This results in the boy smashing the ball past Sasabe (I'm assuming the moron is Sasabe anyway) and hitting a basket of tennis balls which sends them bouncing around as you can see here. ...yes...

This is what movie you are watching.

Ryoma walks into the school being his usual Ryoma self and starts acting like he belongs there. He's pretty much doing that glare face throughout this whole scene.

This is the first time you see the back of the Seigaku Jersey...and...omg when I first saw it I flipped the crap out. What is with that design? WHAT IS THAT LOOSE FLAPPY BIT OF MATERIAL?! WHO THOUGHT THAT WAS COOL? Why didn't they just use the same jerseys that were used in the musical?

So Kaidoh gets all up in his face trying to figure out who he is. Echigoya or whatevs. And Ryoma doesn't really give a crap at him but they soon figure out who he is and Kaidoh demands a match with him. Ryoma, being the brat he is agrees to the match and tells him he better not regret it.

Meanwhile Momo thinks that Ryoma is cute.

All the rest of the regulars start to show up. Yes...that's Oishi...I know...what the hell is up with his hair?!

...I don't know what's up with Eiji's hair either. The only thing I can think of is they wanted this movie to be more...natural and less anime like so they went with all natural hair for everyone.  .... I don't like it.

Meanwhile Kaidoh hits a snake shot and drags his racket along the ground while he does it Moon Volley style and sparks come out from the contact. He also leaves a long black line across the ground. He should get laps for damaging the courts really..

Snake shot also leaves a long dust trail following behind it. All their tennis moves do this actually, watch out for it.

Look look. Eiji's smiling! Kinda. BUT WHAT'S UP WITH HIS HAIR?! Really. OISHI! Y U NO SLICK BACK HAIR?!


Anyway so Tezuka shows up and gets all angry that Kaidoh and Echizen are playing a match that he didn't sanction. Gives Kaidoh 20 laps and Kaidoh answers back with a "...but..." which automatically converts it into 40 laps so he goes off running. Tezuka then tells Ryoma that he needs to fill out a form to join the team.

Then there's a whole lotta scenes with Nanjiroh which I screencapped but I can't be bothered writing about here. (See Page 15)

Ryoma gets his ass kicked and splays out on the floor. Nanjiroh gets all smug about it and the next image after this one is Ryoma being all "....nyarouuuuu~" but I'm not bothered to post that here. (See page 14)

Then for all you fangirls that want to perve on this baby boy...there's a Ryoma bath scene!

Followed by Ryoma and his dad bath scene. WUT?

When I used to bathe with you when you were young didn't you like to put your legs up like this? 
Before this Ryoma had told him twice already "get out of here!" But this scene...omg wth.

Zukki shirt off scene. Here they were talking about how Ryoma had gone through the US  national junior championships without losing any matches.

Here, Tezuka needs to consult with Coach Ryuuzaki in regards to what's going on with Ryoma. She informs him about who Ryoma is and they talk about Nanjiroh for a bit too. Oh...does she look a bit young to you?

Why yes...she's young. Quite young indeed. ACTUALLY. In this movie she calls him Nanjiroh Sempai. And he was the person who inspired her to play tennis. FAR from the woman who had tormented Nanjiroh when he was a kid.

Blahblahblah. First years don't get to play in these ranking tournaments. Why is that brat in the ranking tournaments?

You know...it's very hard to get images of Eiji smiling...that...worries me a bit.

Momo...he still thinks Ryoma is very cute.

They show Momo hitting one jack knife. The match kinda fades and then there's Ryoma putting on his new jacket. ... hm. He played Kaidoh before the ranking matches and now he's beaten Momo. Okay I can follow that.

Okay..this scene actually made me laugh. Ryoma was starting to get all happy that he had a jersey and was doing poses in front of the mirror about how cool he is and Nanjiroh lols and makes fun of him. More images in the photobucket than I'm putting here (page 12)

So now they all rock up to the tournament. HEY WAIT. Why doesn't Inui have a Seigaku jersey on? He's a regular too surely. He didn't play any ranking matches so ... why is he suddenly not part of the team? CONTINUITY FOLKS. At least for the people who haven't read the manga or watched the anime.

Hi! We're Hyotei.. ...I'm serious!

Atobe steals Gyokurin's scene and threatens Tezuka by grabbing his arm. He then threatens Ryoma afterwards.

Oh hey look randomly it's Sakuno again. Seriously her role in this movie is as important as her role was in the anime...

Because this Sakuno doesn't know how to talk she writes notes to Ryoma.

Awww...isn't she sweet? She then writes another note to him afterwards because he's all "Anta..dare?"

OH HAY WAIT. WE WERE WRONG THIS WHOLE TIME. Sakuno doesn't exist in this alternate universe tenipuri movie. This girl's name is Higaki Shioin. Her role is as important as Sakuno's in the anime/manga.

No matchest get played. But they made it all the way through and now it's time to vs Fudoumine.

You know what...this scene just gave me the feeling it wanted to show exactly how antisocial Ryoma is to the rest of the team. He gets all "Hnn...." at the fact that tennis is a team sport because tennis is just about someone playing by themselves. Then gets all narky at the golden pair who try to convince him doubles is awesome. Then Eiji gives him something to eat (milk and something) and Ryoma gets all "Don't like milk" and gets told his match is up so he walks off without his food leaving Eiji all miffed and the rest of the team concerned he hasn't eaten. WUT?

Hyotei thinks this match is important.

So does the random girl.

OMG THERE'S NAGAYAN. WTH. Sasabe's friend?! So...that's Sasabe? Anyway...they're hanging out with Fudoumine. I took this screencap completely by accident. I have been looking for Nagayan THIS ENTIRE TIME in the movie and only just found him thanks to this screencap. Phew. He's only in this movie for a few seconds.

Hi...I'm Ibu Shinji.

No really...please Eiji..SMILE...The match hasn't even really started yet so there's no reason why he's NOT smiling.

It's important to note here...that there was no mention of Shinji's Spot. So...there's absolutely no continuity or explanation as to WHY Ryoma suddenly just LET go of his racket like that. Other than he's a weak crappy player that can't hold his racket.

OMFG RYOMA HURT HIMSELF. Meanwhile Eiji's just in the back going "...wut?"

Ryoma gets bandaged up and everyone gets worried despite Ryoma being a brat and fobbing everyone off earlier. BTW the person leaning on Eiji's shoulder there is Fuji. Oishi is standing to the front next to the Tezuka with his folded arms.

The match between Ryoma and Shinji continue and Ryoma wins. Still no mention of Spot. Or any mention as to how Ryoma wins just that he won in ten minutes. 

review, screencaps, prince of tennis

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