She is right about one thing. My emotions are incredibly easy to manipulate.
Chika is not well. I must speak to her in person. It hurt me even more to realize that Nanami succeeded in hurting her.
If you read this, Chika, I hold nothing against you, and I apologise for not telling you about that.
It's good that Mireille (is that her name?) was there. If she hadn't kept the situation under as much control as she did, it would have ended much worse.
I am still completely exhausted...sleep is seducing me again. It's so much less painful while I'm sleeping; the visions have left me alone for the past three days. And I don't have to think about a certain person...
And also, Chika, you did not make me cry on your own. I was completely stressed out from missing everyone and from my neighbor and my dreams, so it's not your fault.
(OOC: In case you missed, Tohma's been out of commission for about three days because of the events of
this log. You can still talk to him, but he's sort of in robot mode. Well, just badly depressed.)