Feb 26, 2013 13:09
I know, I know ... this is nothing new for me. I always want to move and never do, so I don't know how seriously to take me on this.
Smoochie Pie's been getting a lot of offers and I finally told him I'd consider other countries (hello Canada and Australia!) and other states. He has an offer from Vancouver BC and one from Tulsa Oklahoma. (thanks linkedin)
I'm just so torn.
I worry that the kids would have a better life somewhere with real, actual healthcare that was available whether you had a job or not. Q-11's concussion and Smoochie's tumor cost us $4k and we have good insurance. Plus, I don't want my kids to have to give up their careers if they want to have children and I don't want them to not be able to spend the time they want with their children if they want to also work.
I worry that college will cost $50-100k per each and not give them the tools they need to make the cost worth it.
I worry that even now they aren't getting the education they need (even in the good school).
I worry that they are missing key childhood experiences by not being by more open space and being allowed to roam and explore on their own.
I worry that my childish need to stay close to family will cost them in the future, and I worry if we stay here the future may not be very reliable as far as job opportunities and debt and retirement.
I just worry. And so I want to move.