T-8 class made this toothpick and marshmallow project to celebrate the 100th day of school. I'm not really sure why. Maybe there were 100 toothpicks or something? Hell, I don't pay attention.
So the thing has been sitting in various spots in our house and every time I pass it I think, "Damn, I need to throw that away. What a waste. And the toothpicks will poke through the bag. Fuck it, I'll just leave it for a while. Maybe something will happen to it."
For some reason, stuff like that doesn't go away on its own. Then yesterday we were driving to my mom's and we passed this enormous car fire on the highway. It must have just happened because there were no first responders yet (the fire truck soon arrived). The people were fine, off on a hill taking photos and there were no other vehicles involved, but it was a sight to see! Half the car was on fire and the flames were easily 4 feet above the roof of the car. Intense.
This was the kids' reactions:
C-6: My chair feels like it's getting warmer. Can our car catch on fire?
T-8: You should have stopped to take a photo!
Q-9: Those poor people, I feel bad for them.
Then, this morning I was angry at Smoochie Pie for being in Colombia again and the plan all came together.
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Note, I the video stopped there because it ran out of memory, it only looks like it stopped because one of my kids caught on fire. Then, shortly after that, the fire alarm went off. Then, after that, the kids put out a fire and flooded the kitchen. Now we're going to have lunch and go for a hike.