I really thought there was nothing left to say but, alas, five days is an eternity in politics. And it’s given my favourite Martian, Sarah Palin, just enough time to make an even bigger ass of herself.
1. What war with Iran?
- Palin claims we have to “really shore up the strategies that we need over in Iraq and Iran to win”. WTF?
- The two wars we are in? Yeah, the one in Iraq is basically over now that they’ve told us to GTFO ASAP, KTHNXBYE.
- The one in Afghanistan? Alright, that’s still in progress but Obama has a plan for that, Palin, and it’s a sight and a half better than yours. Because really, what is your plan?
- And the one in Iran? ...Wait, what? There are only two wars!!! FTW are you trying to do to us, woman?!
2. As if it hadn't been proven enough...
- Sarah is going out of her way to prove to the American public (and the rest of the world) that she is completely lacking in any sort of international experience. One would think that she would know to keep her mouth shut now ... or at least know what an official international government call sounds like. I'm sure you're heard by now, Sarah's been punked. Pranked, actually, to avoid infringement. And really, I would love to say tons about this but I think I should show this to you:
Click to view
- Ok, now, one of my friends was of the opinion that this was " just plain mean" (I'm glad she doesn't read this journal). But I responded to her nonetheless and I think that it best sums up my reaction and analysis of this call:
I said:
It was a bit mean but they threw in way more clues than necessary to tip her off that they weren't who they were claiming to be. For one thing, when they named 'Oliday as their main American advisor, any informed person would have stopped at that red flag. Not to mention that every other public official they named was incorrect -- the only people they got right were the ones they were pretending to be.
If Palin is planning to be Vice President, shouldn't she have at least some vague knowledge of who the major leaders of the world are apart from I'ma-Dinner-Jacket and KillsYoungEels? Whatever its intent, this is yet another glaring indication of how very unfit this woman is to be anywhere near the top seat of government.
- Yes, I did quote Whoopi XD. But to an even further extent, how much does she not know to not pick up on the fact that the supposed French President just casually mentioned that his wife was "hot in bed"?
This woman is just wrong, wrong, wrong. Me and the Democrats and the smart people in America are not the only ones noticing it now either. Rachel ( ♥ ♥ ♥ ) points out that even more Republicans and John McCain himself don't think Palin is fit for office at all. John McCain's reaction to thinking about "President Palin" has made my weekend :D See for yourself and smile:
Click to view
EDIT: Found the YouTube version!
And that is my Election update for the night. I will see you again on Tuesday or Wednesday, after which I have to go to Election Withdrawal Counselling :P