Yeah, random nonsense stolen from
guardian_kysra. Funny enough. Vegging out @ the cousins' house right now. Sleepover #2 of the summer -- we started late, they went to NY. Sort of a bash before they head back out to school. Poor things heading off to study in the heat of Floridian summer. I pity them.
In other news, the Loan Cheque of Vital Importance is being held up. The mother is freaking out and threatening the non-purchase of new laptop and iPod certain very important things. Plans to deal with this ASAP are underway.
Finally, random semi-pseudo-intellectual observation of the month: Who's seen the film "Children of Men"? I'm aware that this is a not-so-new film but I hadn't seen it yet.
Now, next question: How long did it take you guys to figure out that it was a film adaption of "The Wasteland" by T.S. Eliot? Or did you guys know this before hand and I am just way late and this had already been announced in some pre-release interview?
Personally, something was familiar about the theme from the very beginning but being on summer vacation has dulled the senses and, as such, we had to pause the movie for my brain to catch up with my eyes and lead me to this realization. I must say it was creative and once I made the connection, I couldn't stop making other connections. For one, the art rescuer (don't remember his name exactly) screamed A Game of Chess to me. Of course, I could be wrong and he could be the "carbuncular" from The Fire Sermon, but that takes a lot of explanation...
So, I guess I'll ask one last question: What are your thoughts on this take on The College Student's Anthem?